1 English as a Second Language Program Royal Oak Schools
2 6 Elementary Schools: Christy Osborne, Coordinator & ESL Teacher Violet Andoni, ESL/ Bilingual Instructor (Albanian) Denise Haziri, ESL/ Bilingual Instructor (Albanian) Royal Oak Middle School Karina Landis, ESL Teacher Denise Haziri, ESL/ Bilingual Instructor (Albanian) Royal Oak High School: Julia Giacoma, ESL Teacher Denise Haziri, ESL/ Bilingual Instructor (Albanian)
3 Royal Oak has an ESL program. Content and language skills are taught in English We teach listening, speaking, reading and writing Royal Oak offers bilingual services in Albanian and Russian. ELLs: Students are called English Language Learners.
4 Hands-on activities Vs. memorization Class discussions Vs. Lecture Group Work Vs. Individual Eye Contact Expressing Ideas Homework
5 Role reversal Prejudice Loss of personality/identity New culture, ideas
6 Used in social situations Used to form relationships 6 months to 2 years Natural to learn Teachers and parents may think that this child should be proficient in the classroom. Video 1 Video 2
7 Used in classrooms to teach content. Not aided by social cues. Takes 5-10 years to learn Limited knowledge native language delays growth. Video 3
8 Michigan K-12 ESL Standards: Listening Speaking Reading Writing ESL Curriculum supports the classroom curriculum.
10 March to April, every year Every K-12 English Language Learner Reading, writing, listening and speaking New Students take the ELPA Screener in the Fall. ELPA levels: Basic Low Intermediate High Intermediate, Proficient Advanced Proficient
11 Classroom Content Math, Social Studies and Science Vocabulary Non-Fiction texts Study Skills and strategies for memorizing Visual, hands-on and auditory representation Reading, Writing and Word Work Guided Reading: Books are at their reading level. We send them home to practice. Resource: Writer’s Notebooks: Students write stories about their lives Speaking and Listening Main ideas in a teacher’s lesson Following complex and simple directions
12 We work on: Language skills: Reading, writing, speaking, and listening by building skills with our ESL texts and workbooks for beginner ELL students. Higher level language acquisition is done through content subject area using English. Writing: English Language Arts assignments incorporate reading, writing and technology skills. Content Area: Understanding homework, assignments, projects and papers.
13 Classroom Structure High School ESL is a course that is taken for elective credit. Students meet for one or two hours every day. Half the hour is spent on direct English instruction of ESL curriculum. The other half of the hour is spent on tutorial and language support. We help students prepare for tests and presentations in other classes. Classroom Content Both fiction and non-fiction reading Quizzes that focus on vocabulary and grammar Group discussions and projects Writing assignments that focus on content and organization Beginning students also work on conversation and spelling skills
14 MEAP Grades 3-8: Math & ELA (English Language Arts) Grade 5: Science, Grade 6: Social Studies Math MEAP (with accommodations if they are at the basic or low intermediate levels.) Grade 9: Social studies Grade 11: Michigan Merit Exam *Students who have been in the country for less than 12 months do not take the ELA *Students with a basic or low intermediate score qualify for accommodations: CD or DVD
15 ESL Teachers work closely with the Classroom Teachers to teach a curriculum that meets your child’s academic, social and cultural needs. Parents are an essential part of our team! You help reinforce school rules, homework and good work habits at home. Students also must take responsibility for their education and become self- motivated. Classroom Teachers ESL Teachers ParentsStudents
16 Practice skills and vocabulary at home Students should be responsible for completing homework. Classroom Teacher’s Role: Assign homework. ESL Teacher’s Role: Make sure students understand homework. Homework will not be completed in ESL class. Student’s Responsibility: Bring homework and planner home. Complete work with minimal help. Parent’s Responsibility: Check planner with child to make sure homework is being completed. If a child says that he/ she has no homework, engage in reading or writing during the regular homework time.
17 OR: 1. Go to: 2. Click on: For Students 3. Click on: Classroom Resources 4. Click on: English as a Second Language (ESL) Demonstrate PIV (Pinnacle Internet Viewer)
18 Websites Educational websites Practice important skills at home Try out one website per week!
19 SIGN UP! Translators: We could use help translating newsletters and other important flyers into various languages. Please consider translating for us! Bilingual Committee: If you would like to have a voice in planning activities for the ESL program, your help would be appreciated. *Sign-up sheets are at the back table.
20 We want to hear your concerns and questions throughout the year. If you have comments or suggestions for our program, please contact us!
21 ELEMENTARY Upton & Oakland: Christy Osborne, ESL Coordinator & Teacher: Phone Number at Upton: X Upton, Addams & Keller: Violet Andoni, Bilingual/ ESL Instructor (Albanian): Oak Ridge, Addams, Northwood & Keller: Denise Haziri, Bilingual/ ESL Instructor (Albanian):
22 SECONDARY Royal Oak Middle School: Karina Landis, ESL Teacher: Phone Number: X 2097 Denise Haziri, Bilingual/ ESL Instructor (Albanian): Royal Oak High School: Julia Giacoma, ESL Teacher: Phone Number: X 1042 Denise Haziri, Bilingual/ ESL Instructor (Albanian): *ROMS and ROHS