Words for Production 1. realm [ rElm ] n. [C] a world; an area 領域,範圍 Dragons belong to the realm of imagination. They don’t exist on earth.


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Presentation transcript:

Words for Production 1. realm [ rElm ] n. [C] a world; an area 領域,範圍 Dragons belong to the realm of imagination. They don’t exist on earth.

Words for Production 2. ancient [ `enS1nt ] adj. in or of times long ago 古代的 People in ancient days believed that the sun moved around the earth.

Words for Production 3. astronomer [ 1`strAn1m2 ] n. [C] a person who studies the sun, moon, stars, etc. 天文學家 It is only recently that astronomers have come to appreciate that the impact from comets could become a significant threat to life on earth.

Words for Production 4. explore [ Ik`splor ] vt. to examine something carefully; to travel in a (little known) place to learn about it 探索,探究;探測,探勘 PS. The example sentence are on the next page.

Words for Production 4. explore We need to explore all the possibilities before we make the decision. With modern technology, some archeologists explored the sea, trying to locate the ancient sunken boat. Would you like to know more...

exploration [ &Ekspl1`reS1n ] n. [C][U] 探索,探究;探測,探勘 This matter needs a full exploration of all the possibilities. The recent explorations of Mars have revived some hope that there may be life on the Red Planet.

Words for Production 5. sustain [ s1`sten ] vt. to keep in existence over a long period of time; to maintain 維持 There is not enough water to sustain people in the city for the next few months, so the local government has decided to institute water rationing.

Words for Production 6. motion [ `moS1n ] n. [U] the act, manner, or state of moving 運 動 The gentle rolling motion of the ship made the passengers feel sleepy.

Words for Production 7. gravity [ `Gr8v1tI ] n. [U] the force that pulls objects toward the center of the earth 地心引力,重力 Anything that is dropped falls toward the earth because of the pull of gravity.

Words for Production 8. internal [ In`t3nL ] adj. of or in the inside, especially of the body 內部的;體內的 Smoking and drinking have damaged his heart and liver as well as other internal organs.

Words for Production 9. signal [ `sIGnL ] n. [C] something that warns or directs 信號 When I look at my watch, it will be a signal for us to leave. Would you like to know more...

signal [ `sIGnL ] vt. 打信號 Waving his arm, the policeman signaled the traffic to move forward.

Words for Production 10. distribution [ &dIstr1`bjuS1n ] n. [U] the state of being given out or the act of dividing among several or many 分配,分發 If the drought continues, the government will have to control water distribution. Would you like to know more...

distribute [ dI`strIbjut ] vt. 分配,分發 After the great flood, food and clothes were quickly distributed to the disaster area.

Words for Production 11. fluid [ `fluId ] n. [C][U] (a) liquid 體液;流體 When you are having a cold, drinking plenty of fluids can help you recover soon.

Words for Production 12. swollen [ `swol1n ] adj. of an increased size 浮腫的,腫脹的 I cried myself to sleep last night, so my eyes were swollen when I got up this morning. Would you like to know more...

swell [ swEl ] vi. 腫脹 My ankle began to swell after I twisted it.

Words for Production 13. enlarge [ In`lArdZ ] vt. to cause to grow larger or wider 擴 大,增大 Since there is a lot of traffic on this road, the local government has decided to enlarge the roadway to make four traffic lanes.

Words for Production 14. duration [ dj5`reS1n ] n. [U] the time during which something exists or lasts 期間 Helen hopes that her illness will be of short duration, or she won’t be able to go to the beach with us this weekend.

Words for Production 15. mission [ `mIS1n ] n. [C] a flight into space; an important task that people are given to do, especially one that involves traveling to another country ( 太空 ) 飛行任務;任務 The mission of Pioneer 10, the unmanned spaceship that went into space in 1972, was to see if there was life on other planets.

Words for Production 16. disorder [ dIs`Ord2 ] n. [C][U] (a) slight disease or illness 不適,小 病 This morning before the test, I felt very nervous and suffered from a stomach disorder. However, I was fine soon after the test.

Words for Production 17. density [ `dEns1tI ] n. [U] the degree to which an area is filled with things or people 密度 The law will limit the density of housing around the hills, where heavy rain may cause landslides. Would you like to know more...

dense [ dEns ] adj. 濃密的;密集的 The girl forced her way through the dense crowd to reach the superstar.

Words for Production 18. tend [ tEnd ] vi. to be likely (to do something) 傾向, 趨向 My brother tends to talk a lot when he gets nervous. Would you like to know more...

tendency [ `tEnd1nsI ] n. [C] 傾向,趨勢 There is a growing tendency for people to go to gyms after work.

Words for Production 19. combine [ k1m`baIn ] vt.; vi. to cause to come together, unite, act together, or join together ( 使 ) 結合; ( 使 ) 聯合 Rain and freezing temperatures combine to make snow.

Words for Production 20. shift [ SIft ] n. [C] a change in position or direction 改 變,移動 A shift in the wind caused the sailboat to change its direction. Would you like to know more...

shift [ SIft ] vt. 改變,移動 The policeman shifted his gaze from one man to the other with a look of suspicion.

Words for Production 21. mineral [ `mIn1r1l ] n. [C] a natural substance such as calcium or iron that is present in some foods and that is important to good health 礦物 質 Vegetables are excellent sources of vitamins and minerals.

Words for Production 22. radiation [ &redI`eS1n ] n. [U] a form of energy that comes from nuclear reactions, which is very harmful to living things if present in large amounts 輻射 The police were asking villagers to leave their homes since high levels of radiation had been recorded around the nearby power plant. Would you like to know more...

radiate [ `redI&et ] vt. 放射 The sun radiates light and heat, which is essential to life on earth.

Words for Production 23. hazard [ `h8z2d ] n. [C] a danger 危險 Polluted water sources are a hazard to wildlife.

Words for Production 24. tight [ taIt ] adj. leaving no free room ( 空間 ) 狹窄的, ( 衣服等 ) 過緊的 These shoes hurt. They are too tight. Would you like to know more...

tighten [ `taItN ] vt. 拉緊,栓緊 He tightened the screws as far as they would go.

Words for Production 25. orbit [ `OrbIt ] n. [C][U] the path of one heavenly body round another ( 天體運行的 ) 軌道 The scientists sent a satellite into orbit around Mars to explore the Red Planet.

Words for Production 26. investigate [ In`vEst1&Get ] vt.; vi. to try to find out the truth about something such as a crime, accident, or scientific problem 調查,研究 A group of experts from the US are investigating the cause of the air crash, which claimed 250 lives. A murder was reported, and the police were sent to investigate. Would you like to know more...

investigation [ In&vEst1`GeS1n ] n. [C][U] 調查,研究 An investigation of the accident by the police put the blame on the drivers of both cars.

Words for Production 27. case [ kes ] n. [C] (usu. sing.) a particular occasion or instance 情 況;例子 There is no secret to success in this business. It is just a case of hard work.

Words for Production 28. long-term [ &lO9`t3m ] adj. for or in the distant future 長期的 No one knows what the long-term effects of the new drug will be.

Words for Production 29. adapt [ 1`d8pt ] vi.; vt. to change to fit new needs or different conditions ( 使 ) 適應 Young people are quick to adapt to new circumstances. When you go to a foreign country, you must adapt yourself to the customs there.

Words for Production 30. recommendation [ &rEk1mEn`deS1n ] n. [C][U] official advice given to someone, especially about what to do or which to choose 建議,推薦 I bought this dictionary on my teacher’s recommendation. Would you like to know more...

recommend [ &rEk1`mEnd ] vt. 建議,推薦 He recommends swimming as a good form of exercise.

Words for Production 31. pursue [ p2`su ] vt. to try to achieve something over a period of time 追求 The painter pursued the goal of perfection in his art. Would you like to know more...

pursuit [ p2`sut ] n. [U] 追求 Dr. King believed in the right of all people to the pursuit of liberty and happiness.

: A Space Odyssey [ tu `Ta5zNd w^n e spes `Ad1sI ] n. the title of a movie ( 電影名 ) 二○○一年 太空漫遊 Words for Recognition

2. extraterrestrial [ &Ekstr1t1`rEstrI1l ] adj. happening, existing or coming from somewhere beyond the planet Earth 地球外的 Words for Recognition

3. Yuri Gagarin [ `j5rI G1`GArIn ] n. a Russian cosmonaut 尤瑞‧蓋加林 ( ,第一位進行太空旅行的前 蘇聯太空人 ) Words for Recognition

4. physiological [ &fIzI1`lAdZIkL ] adj. of or connected with the body 生理的 Words for Recognition

5. nausea [ `nOZ1 ] n. [U] a feeling of sickness and desire to throw up 噁心 Words for Recognition

6. puffy [ `p^fI ] adj. rather swollen 腫大的 Words for Recognition

7. atrophy [ `8tr1fI ] vi. to become weak because of lack of use 萎縮 Words for Recognition

8. calcium [ `k8lsI1m ] n. [U] a silver-white substance that is found in bone 鈣 Words for Recognition

9. National Space Biomedical Research Institute [ `n8S1nL spes &baIo`mEdIkL rI`s3tS `Inst1tjut ] n. [U] an institute working to prevent or solve health problems related to long- term space travel 美國國家太空生物醫 療研究中心 Words for Recognition

10. NASA [ `n8s1 ] n. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 美國國家航空暨太空 總署 Words for Recognition

1. have an effect on to cause an influence on 對 … 有影響 Television violence has a very negative effect on young children because it is likely to influence their behavior. Idioms and Phrases

2. end up to eventually arrive somewhere 最終 到達 … We got to Rome okay, but our baggage ended up in Paris. Idioms and Phrases

3. (be) at risk of (to be) in danger of 冒 … 的危險 People with fair skin are more at risk of skin cancer. Idioms and Phrases

4. now that as a result of the fact that; since 既然, 因為 Now that I have read the novel, I understand why you like it. Idioms and Phrases

5. in (the) light of considering; taking into account 考 慮 … We might have to change our decision in (the) light of what you have just said. Idioms and Phrases

6. be due to to be expected to; to be supposed to 預 定 The flight is due to take off at three, but it may be delayed because of the heavy rain. Idioms and Phrases