Welcome to Gator Land Gulledge Elementary 2015
Welcome to Gulledge!! Principal— Deni Bleggi Assistant Principal- Karen Lee
Meet Mrs. Smith Education: Bachelor’s Degree from Baylor University Master’s Degree from Texas Christian University ESL and PACE Certified Experience: 15 Years in PISD teaching Kindergarten and Special Education
Meet Mr. Taylor Education: B.A Columbia College, Chicago. Master of Arts in Teaching from TWU, Denton. ESL & Special Ed. certified Experience: 8 Years in PISD
Meet Miss. Hatcher Education: Bachelor’s Degree from University of North Texas ESL & PACE Certified Plano ISD Grad 3rd Year Teaching Kindergarten
Meet Mrs. Hall Education: Bachelor’s Degree from Steven F. Austin State University ESL Certified GT Training Experience: 1 Year teaching Kindergarten
Meet Mrs. Polkes Master’s Degree in Elementary Ed. ESL Certified and PACE trained Teaching for over 14 years 6 years in PISD
Meet Mrs. Ratenski Mrs. Ratenski is our wonderful ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher that will service the children that qualify for ESL. Based on your child’s language proficiency level, he or she may receive support in or out of the classroom to learn English.
Today’s Agenda Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills Is Your Child Ready How to Prepare Your Child First Day of School Important Reminders Frequently Asked Questions
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) The TEKS provide a curriculum framework for the learning standards of children in Texas. Please go to the Texas Education Agency website for details.
Is Your Child Ready?
How to Prepare Your Child Help your child become familiar with the school. Keep your discussions about school positive. Start the school bedtime routine about a month before school begins. Work with your child over the summer on academic skills, crafts, following directions, self help skills, scissor skills, etc. Spend some time away from your child. READ, READ, READ!!! Start journaling about what you read. Give them rich experiences over the summer. (Limit electronic games!)
How to Prepare your Child Practice restroom skills Keyboarding and Mouse skills Practice typing username on computer- --first.last.1 Writing first and last name with lowercase letters Make a practice lunch in a lunchbox and have them try to open everything.
1 st Day of School Set the tone! Get your child up early Review the morning routine Eat a good breakfast Leave home a early enough to avoid traffic and parking issues Walk your child to class the first day or two only Keep things positive, say good-bye, and make a quick exit
Things You Should Know Watch the Marquee for Meet the Teacher Morning Register online at PISD.edu for E-news After July, fill out the volunteer application for background checks at PISD.edu Get a backpack without wheels, a lunch box, and water bottle with a control top. Label all personal items. Log into Paypams and put money in your child’s lunch account Purchase school supplies. Please do not label school supplies. Join the PTA (Parent Teacher Association) to support the school learning environment Tennis shoes are required for PE Parent Information Night August 20, 2015 at 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm. Meet the Teacher August 21, 7:30 am -8:30 am
Communications is the best way to communicate Phone calls: Office and Classroom Parent- Teacher Conferences E-News & Kindergator Newsletter Twitter: KGulledgeGators myPISD.net
Arrival and Dismissal The gym is open from 7:00-7:30 for children that arrive early Breakfast will be available starting at 7:15. Price list on Paypams. Students will be entering classrooms at 7:30 Dismissal Choices: Walker, Carpool, Bus, PASAR, or Daycare
Volunteers Wanted Must complete a volunteer application ( & background checkwww.pisd.edu Library helpers Cafeteria helpers Prep work Special events
Frequently Asked Questions When do I find out who my child’s teacher is? What are the school hours? Can I walk my child in the first day? How do I get school supplies? Can I eat lunch with my child? What is PACE? Plano Academic and Creative Education Advanced academic courses, programs, and opportunities that begin in the elementary years and increase in frequency at the secondary level. Gifted and Talented Kindergarten Program will be assessed in December and begin classes in January. Elementary teachers deliver academic challenge throughout the year, organize special learning events, and encourage all students to participate in competitions and academic fairs. Participating in one or more advanced academic opportunities allows students to explore existing talents while uncovering new talents.
Fun Websites Abcya.com Starfall.com Hoodamath.com Pbskids.org Donnayoung.org (handwriting paper)
Contact Information Mrs. Smith Mrs. Hall Mrs. Polkes Mr. Taylor Ms. Hatcher Mrs. Ratenski