N Shelter Area Scharbauer Hall2855 Main Drive In case of fire or evacuation please exit the building and go to your gathering point west of the Frog Fountain. Do not use the elevator. In case of severe weather go to the shelter area located in your building. Your shelter areas are located on level 1. The heart defibrillator (AED) for this building is on level 1, main lobby hallway by water fountains, across from Room 1008 For TCU Police call (cellphone) or ext (campus phone) AED Level 1 Shelter Area AED
N Scharbauer Hall2855 Main Drive In case of fire or evacuation please exit the building and go to your gathering point west of the Frog Fountain. Do not use the elevator. In case of severe weather go to the shelter area located in your building. Your shelter areas are located on level 1. The heart defibrillator (AED) for this building is on level 1, main lobby hallway by water fountains, across from Room 1008 For TCU Police call (cellphone) or ext (campus phone) AED Level 2
N Scharbauer Hall2855 Main Drive In case of fire or evacuation please exit the building and go to your gathering point west of the Frog Fountain. Do not use the elevator. In case of severe weather go to the shelter area located in your building. Your shelter areas are located on level 1. The heart defibrillator (AED) for this building is on level 1, main lobby Hallway by water fountains, across from Room 1008 For TCU Police call (cellphone) or ext (campus phone) AED Level 3
N Scharbauer Hall2855 Main Drive In case of fire or evacuation please exit the building and go to your gathering point west of the Frog Fountain. Do not use the elevator. In case of severe weather go to the shelter area located in your building. Your shelter areas are located on level 1. The heart defibrillator (AED) for this building is on level 1, main lobby Hallway by water fountains, across from Room 1008 For TCU Police call (cellphone) or ext (campus phone) AED Level 4