Threshold Generation Valli Swerdlow
Definition How many of you fit this description? Baby Boomers 45 to 65 years old Must move targeted retirement date out due to economic conditions
Question #1 4 What age group will have the largest growth rate in the US Labor Force between 2006 and 2016? 1.) 25+ year olds 2.) 35+ year olds 3.) 45+ year olds 4.) 55+ year olds
Answer 93% of the growth in the US Labor Force 2006 to 2016 will be ) 25+ year olds 2.) 35+ year olds 3.) 45+ year olds 4.) 55+ year olds By PEW - “America’s Changing Workforce, Recession Turns a Graying Office Grayer,” 9/09 Why?...
Current Economy Rise of unemployment Recession Devaluation of the dollar Swelling baby boomer generation
Annual number of births in US billion people
Result: Moving retirement date
Difference Between Change and Transformation “Change” is Situational or External (move to a new city, shift to a new job, birth of a new baby, acquisition, switch of a new health care plan, getting a new manager) “Transformation” is Psychological or Internal (NOT the events but the inner re-orientation or self-redefinition in order to go through the change) William Bridges “Transitions - Making Sense of Life’s Changes”
Examples: Change v. Transformation Company Merger Executive Relocation Promotion 10
Lifetime Employment OR Edgar Schein - MIT Lifetime Employability
Lifetime Employment OR Edgar Schein - MIT Lifetime Employability Key Point to Remember! It’s about Empowerment! To be Employable and Fulfilled Bring passion back into your work life
How about your future… How many of you think that you will be doing exactly the same work for the next… 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?
7 Mistakes of the Threshold Generation 1. “I’ll just do what I was doing before.” 2. “My experience speaks for itself. Lots of employers would be lucky to have me.” 3. “I’ve always been successful so why should things be any different?”
4.“I just need a job. I don’t have time for this touchy - feely stuff about what work means to me.” 5.“I’ll just use a recruiter if I ever need a new job.” 6.“I know the answer! I’ll become a consultant….or maybe a security guard.” 7.Of course I’m good at computers! I have been working with Windows 98 for years!” MetLife Mature Market Institute 10/09 7 Mistakes of the Threshold Generation
A Few More….. 8.“Sure I have a suit, tie and shoes for the interview. I bought them 20 years ago and have hardly ever worn them!” 9.“Ok, the shirt is a little frayed, the suit’s sleeves are a little too short. Maybe I have put on a few pounds and can’t button the bottom button, so I’ll leave the jacket open.”
and…. 10.“I’ve been in sales all my life and performed as a top producer. I can sell anything!” 11.“Don’t worry. I’ve aced every interview I’ve been on and always got the job.” 12.“I’ve sat behind my desk for 30 years and interviewed people before you were born. No thank you, I don’t need any coaching!”
YOUR NEXT MOVE… Consider career evaluation early! Job may disappear Health factors Glass ceiling Required to retire Bad boss Lost the passion
Plan your next move now! It is all about having choices Goal (definition) Choices…a whole new world opens up to you
10 New Rules For Work First Three Are Key! 1. No Job Security 2. You Are the President of “You Inc.” 3. Always Be Looking For Your Next Job/Role
#8 Valli Swerdlow, vallicoach (twitter)
Plan Your Next Move Do it yourself books:
Plan Your Next Move Do it yourself online: Join professional associations and consider becoming an active board member. Join a committee, volunteer. Research top companies to work for - over 50. Career One Stop Centers O*Net Online Sign up and take courses at The Women’s Center ( as well as at NOVA, local colleges and universities.
Importance of an objective look at you Plan Your Next Move ValuesSkills InterestsPersonality Career & Life Style Network HealthFinances
Are You… …An Introvert? …An Extrovert? 34 Plan Your Next Move
Year of the Introvert It’s a little known fact that 50% of top executives are introverts! 35
Plan Your Next Move Interviewing skills Know Your Strengths Introvert/Extrovert Resume Development Elevator Speech Training needs Develop a planDevelop a plan
Think Ahead Know your choices soonKnow your choices soon You can begin the connections earlierYou can begin the connections earlier Actually move into a position of enjoyment, discover your passionActually move into a position of enjoyment, discover your passion –Because you want to, not because you have to! Valli Swerdlow VALLI Associates Executive Leadership and Career Coach