The “Epic Fail” of Peace Treaties Oslo Accords The “Epic Fail” of Peace Treaties
The Oslo Accords Treaty- created to settle the difference between Israelis and Palestinians Officially named the Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements or Declaration of Principles (DOP) Conducted in Oslo, Norway Completed by August 20, 1993
Background The first intifada in 1987 caused president George H.W. Bush to arrange the Madrid Peace Conference in 1991 between Arab nations and Israel, but it did not succeed Norway’s foreign ministry arranged meetings between Yair Hirshfeld and Ron Pundak from Israel(Shimon Peres later took charge)and Ahmad Sulayman Qurai (Abu Ala). Negotiated for the Palestinian Liberation Organization(PLO)
What did it say? it set out specific steps to reach a permanent agreement for peace after five years The Arabs wanted: self-governed Palestinian land, the IDF to be taken out of the Gaza Strip and West Bank, Israel to recognize the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) as the Palestinian representative The Israelis wanted: the Palestinians to acknowledge the fact that Israel had the right to be an independent state, the Palestinians to renounce terrorism and their desire for the destruction of the Israeli state. They agreed to set up a Committee for economic cooperation that united Palestinians and Israelis in economic issues They agreed to have elections for a Palestinian council
Israeli soldiers were to be taken out of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
Ramifications and Reactions No one was forced from their homes as a result of the treaty because it was not a final agreement, the people that were there(though the majority was Palestinians already)could stay if they so desired at their own risk. No specific cost for the removal of Israeli troops from the West Bank and Gaza strip, but it was extremely costly 61 Knesset members voted for the decision, 50 voted against and 8 abstained Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and thePopular Front for the Liberation of Palestine objected to the accords because they refused to recognize Israel's right to exist in Plaestine. After the signing, the attacks against Israel intensified In February 1994, an Israeli, Baruch Goldstein, killed twenty-nine Palestinians at a mosque in the West Bank. February and March 1996, Hamas, which had gained support after the signing of the Oslo Accords, conducted a series of suicide bombings in Israel that killed fifty-seven Israelis. This prompted Shimon Peres, the prime minister at the time, to break off the peace talks that were supposed to occur
The Signing It as signed by Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres and PLO official Abou Abbas Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat shook hands "Today marks a shining moment of hope for the people of the Middle East; indeed, of the entire world“ -President Bill Clinton
WHO? Yassir Arafat(1929-2004) Yitzchak Rabin(1922-1925) Fun Fact! His full name is Mohammed Yasser Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa al-Husseini He was the chairman of the PLO Founded the Fatah political party in 1959 Received a Nobel-Peace Prize for his work with the Oslo Accords Yitzchak Rabin(1922-1925) He was Involved in the Knesset before being elected Prime Minister of Israel He was later elected Prime Minister of the Israel Labor Party In November 1995, an Israeli named Yigal Amir assassinated Prime Minister Rabin for his cooperation in the Accords Won a Nobel-Peace prize along with Shimon Peres for his accomplishments with the Oslo Accords
The Outcome The Oslo Accords angered many people on both sides which lead to much violence It was eventually violated and the negotiations for permantent peace were called off It has worsened the relations between the Israelis and Palestinians causing many deaths , which has produced even more angry people