PR1100 Presentation Naomi Kobayashi NuCoolWeb
All-night coffee bar in Downtown, St. John’s It features events at night Public arts by letting people mark walls and tables The owner believes art and people helping people About Coffee Lounge
Promoting the Coffee Lounge business Providing information about the Lounge The service, the features and the events at the Lounge Offering an access point to local writers, poets, artists, musicians and comedians Supporting the community and its people Statement of Purpose
Promote monthly special, events, featured artists, band and NPO Events Calendar Online Order Form Drink Menu Art and music samples Coffee/Cup Shell game Site Features
Dropdown menu for larger screens Site map for smaller screens Contact information including Google Map Ready to use template page Meta information for keywords Additional Features
Coffee Drinkers Between 18 and 40 year old Living or working in Downtown, St. John’s English-Speaking Canadians Highly educated and wealthy Very high technical proficiency Target Users
Flow Chart HomeMenu Order Form Order Confirmation Entertainment EventsArt1Art2GameCouponContactNPO
Brown-gold, Non-Serif fonts Coffee Cup logo and photographs Coffee beans in back ground Site Concept
Graphics Design Graphics follow the same site concept
Personal computers, tablets and cell phones Major OS, including Mobile OS Newer versions of five major browsers Target Systems
Index.html uses iframe to ensure consistent user interface Index.html has a roll-over logo, a horizontal navigation bar and a drop down menu or a site map HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript are used Site Template
The site needs to be readable by mobile phones Fluid width layout Two different designs are used to fit small screens Print screen layout Data Validations for order form Optimizing for Speed (56K modem) Challenges
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