Country: Mexico -Tips on how to do business in Mexico -Market and Product Trends -Food Export market activities and services CONSULTANTS IN FOOD – TRADE – MARKETING - COMMUNICATIONS
Tips to do business in Mexico Business relationships are usually very formal. When having an appointment, don’t be late Find out if your counterpart speaks English (interpreter) Before attending your appointment confirm its taking place Sorry no, inglich, me Español only
Tips to do business in Mexico Be prepared to fax quotes or information, translated in Spanish (The language is one of the biggest business killers) Always confirm your communications (fax, email) have gone through When placing a call to your buyer, let the receptionist know you are calling long distance for a quick connection Mr. Ron Smith from PP Foods
Tips to do business in Mexico Quote with the correct incoterm to the closest border or the requested city While doing a product presentation, make sure you are able to give some pricing… TEXAS
Tips to do business in Mexico Buyers that don’t see pricing, usually consider their appointment a waste of their time (specially supermarket buyers) If pricing is impossible to bring with you, try to quote as soon as possible and commit to a date $ 17.99 FOB Laredo
Tips to do business in Mexico When sending documents: Dont use regular mail Use always a courier DHL, UPS Fedex etc. When sending samples: Use a forwarding company or a courier. However, make sure you have the right documents before sending your samples MEXICAN MAIL FREDERAL EXPRESS
Tips to do business in Mexico Breakfast works great for quick business meetings Lunch business meetings are pleasant but long. Might take hours if alcohol is involved. Good opportunity to meet your client. Beso (Kiss) or Abrazo (Hug) are cultural greeting or good bye gestures amongst Mexican Business Relations
Tips to do business in Mexico Mexicans have a difficulty to say “NO” in general. They want to be very comforting. Lack of assertiveness creates problems and misunderstandings. If you don’t hear from your buyer after following up twice, he might not be interested in your product Be always prepared for these situations
Country: Mexico -Market and Product Opportunities- Trends CONSULTANTS IN FOOD – TRADE – MARKETING - COMMUNICATIONS
Changes in the Eating Habits Fast & convenient More women working outside of home, at all income levels “Lite”, natural, and healthier foods are a current trend, particularly among urban, women and families too But the snack and processed foods consumption is still rising
Food product potential in different age segments: Source: Nielsen 2007 Study
Mexican consumers love novelty items and all the classic munchies
Country: Mexico -Food Export market activities and services CONSULTANTS IN FOOD – TRADE – MARKETING - COMMUNICATIONS
Activities and Services offer from Food Export MW or NE to companies: Focused Trade Missions Food Show Plus ! Value added services for International Trade Show participation Market Builder Services
Focused Missions to Mexico Food Ingredients Retail Segment Convenience Stores Food Service Private Label Northern Market (Nov 08) Include: Briefs, Business Meetings, importation samples, Table top show, generic brochure Store or segment tour visits, i.e. Supermarket, bakeries etc.
Food Show Plus Services Consist in added value services to facilitate companies their participation in trade shows: Services include: Interpreter or demo-chef girl for days of show. Translation of one page brochure and inclusion in generic Spanish brochure In some cases, business meetings Breakfast Seminar Assistance before and during the show MARKET BUILDER (to be explained)
Food Show Plus Services ANTAD Show National Retailers Association Show. The largest food show in Mexico Takes place in Guadalajara, Mexico Supermarket buyers, importers and distributors attend the show An important show to consider Date: March of every year
Food Show Plus Services Alimentaria Trade Show Takes place in Mexico City Focused to Food Service and Retail Much Smaller show than ANTAD but important because it takes place Mexico City Very oriented to gourmet and fancy food segments Many international pavilions participate Date: June every year
Exphotel Trade Show Takes place in the Cancun and Yucatan Peninsula area. This show is 100% Food Service oriented It’s a regional show serving the most important tourist area in Mexico The show has been around for more than 12 years Good show for Foodservice business Date: June every year
Abastur Trade Show Takes place in Mexico City The largest Food Service Show in Mexico with a National reach US pavilion coordinated The best Food Service Show in Mexico About 1/3 the size of the ANTAD show Date: Sept-Oct every year
Market Builder Services Store Checks Import Analysis Distributor Referral Importer´s List In Market Assistance Labeling Seminar Business Meetings Supermarket tour
THANK YOU Presentation available for download at: Raul Caballero, Violeta Picazzo Food Export MW-NE, Tel. (01152555) 362-7407, Fax. 362-6724