What’s Next in ColdFusion Raymond Camden
This Guy Developer Evangelist for Adobe Blog: Twitter: cfjedimaster
So what’s next in Zeus? ZEUS!
ColdFusion Zeus Is a code name For the "next" version Not necessarily ColdFusion 10 NOT TALKING ABOUT: Release Dates Prices Editions Politics or Religion
Zeus Features (Some of…) Admin Improvements Security out the Ying Yang Language Improvements Solr Improvements Java Integration REST HTML5/Mobile Web Sockets Charting
More Zeus features… No more Verity (yes, that's a feature) No more JRun (ditto!) Microsoft Exchange 2010 support Web Service: Axis 2 + Document Literal Scheduled Tasks are Epic
Admin Improvements Hot Fix Installer Template Cache – By Folder Clear Query Cache File Browser IP Addresses for Admin
Security Enhancements XSS/CSRF Protection Session Improvements Hash/HMAC File Type Mime Checks And more… Mail CRLF protection, cflogin strengthened, other services improved
XSS Protection Cross-site Scripting New functions: encodeForHTML encodeForHTMLAttribute encodeForJavaScript encodeForCSS encodeForURL
Demos /demos/security/xss
CSRF Protection Cross-Site Request Forgery New functions: CSRFGenerateToken CSRFVerifyToken
Demos /demos/security/csrf
Session Improvements httpOnly on by default Secure (default is false) Domain Timeout (days, -1 for killing session when browser closes) sessionInvalidate and sessionRotate
Example this.sessioncookie.httponly="true"; this.sessioncookie.secure="true"; this.sessioncookie.domain="value"; this.sessioncookie.timeout="value";
Hash/HMAC Hash can now be told to iterate N times: hash(input, "sha", 4) HMAC – Hash-based Message Authentication Code
Demo /demos/security/hash.cfm
Mime Type Checking cffile upload getFileMimeType
Demos /demos/security/fileupload.cfm and filemimetype.cfm
Language Improvements
In no particular order… Cookie via Script For-in for Queries Append to file with content Call Stack Application Metadata Disk Space App-specific VFS CFC implicit constructors, method chaining, implicit notation XPath2 Oh, and….
Demos /demos/lang /demos/cfcs
Solr Dynamic custom fields (as many as you want, even up to 11!) ORM based search Data Import Handler (no more cfquery) Other misc things… (more languages for example)
Demos Custom Fields demo ORM Search demo
Java Integration Ability to load Java libraries JavaLoader RIP Java access to CFC files: CFCProxy myCFC = new CFCProxy(cfcPath, true);
Demo /demos/java
REST RESTful web services are built to work best on the Web. Representational State Transfer (REST) is an architectural style that specifies constraints, such as the uniform interface, that if applied to a web service induce desirable properties, such as performance, scalability, and modifiability, that enable services to work best on the Web. In the REST architectural style, data and functionality are considered resources and are accessed using Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs), typically links on the Web. The resources are acted upon by using a set of simple, well-defined operations. The REST architectural style constrains an architecture to a client/server architecture and is designed to use a stateless communication protocol, typically HTTP. In the REST architecture style, clients and servers exchange representations of resources by using a standardized interface and protocol. From:
REST Who cares what it is – we make it easy! (Btw – I'm kidding. Mostly.) Extensions to component, function, argument, application.cfc, and the Admin
Demos /demos/rest
HTML5/Mobile CFMAP CFMEDIAPLAYER cfinput won't barf on new items (like type=range) Detection of browser capabilities
Device info (VERY IN FLUX) this.deviceInfo=true; or getDeviceInfo() device_name ajax_support_javascript cookie_support device_os device_os_version full_flash_support https_support is_tablet is_wireless_device mobile_browser mobile_browser_version model_extra_info model_name physical_screen_height physical_screen_width pointing_method streaming_preferred_protocol
Demos /demos/cfmap /demos/testinput.cfm
Web Sockets Bidirectional communication One client to all the rest Server to all clients Front end support via Back end support for defining listeners
Charting All new charting engine Styles are JSON objects Deeper configuration via JSON Lots of new features
And more to come…