Image courtesy of: ACF, 2011 The Supply Chain for Cash and Voucher Programming 15 th May 2014, Paris
Setting the Scene Case Studies: Changing the Business Process Coffee Break Jargon Busting Case Studies: Insecure Environments Counting the Cost Lunch Break Donors and the Compliance Agenda Revisiting our Role – Logistics and Accountability Coffee Break Skills Gap: A Practical Discussion Setting our Agenda
WFP; image courtesy of Why are we here?
Supply Chain for In Kind
Supply Chain for Cash & Vouchers Cash / Voucher Processes, Technology
Image Courtesy of Oxfam, Ethiopia, 2013; Water Voucher Programme Why should Logistics be bothered?
Cash is here to stay There is a Supply Chain to manage Risks are different, and complex Logistics can now contribute directly to programme outcomes
Cost-Centric Sourcing Strategy Transactional cost-efficiency, Consolidated procurement, Large suppliers, Internal KPIs, Outside markets
Outcome-Centric Sourcing Strategy 2km 5km 10km 20km 50km Beneficiary-centric, Starts at geographically closest market, Capacity driven sourcing, Market Strengthening simultaneous to Sourcing Procurement linked to Programme outcomes
CTP 15% c. 2019? c c In Kind CTP
What does Market Strengthening and Supply Chain Assurance look like? Fuel support to transporters Large scale infrastructure rehab. / construction Road rehabilitation Vendor scale up support – transport, storage, cashflow Vendor training
Why wait? What could we do before an emergency to help markets recover even faster...?
Our Survey Says… Cash and Markets in Logistics Survey April 2014 What are Logisticians already doing in support of CTP? What do they feel most / least confident in doing? What are the challenges and gaps? What do they need to better support CTP? 87 Responses Experiences from 54 Countries 24 Organisations
Where in the world…
Logistics support to C&V for which commodities?
Which Cash and Markets activities did Logisticians have experience of? ….all 22 of them!
Which Cash and Markets activities did the most respondents have experience of? Market/Supply Baseline Preparedness Market Monitoring Project Design Input Proposal Development Local capacity partner assessments Budget preparation Record Keeping and compliance Market/Supply Support Activities Assessing suppliers for CTP Framework Contracts Assessing (market) infrastructure Coordination with other actor Managing Supplier performance Security Risk Assessment Selecting suppliers Assessing markets after emergency Cost Analysis Security Management Ready for payment stage Complaints handlings ConOps being revised Distribution of cash/vouchers
Which Cash and Markets activities did fewest respondents have experience of? Market/Supply Baseline Preparedness Market Monitoring Project Design Input Proposal Development Local capacity partner assessments Record Keeping and compliance CTP Complaints handling ConOps being revised Market/Supply Support Activities Assessing suppliers before project Selecting suppliers Framework Contracts Assessing infrastructure Coordination with other actor CTP Security Risk Assessment Assessing markets after emergency Cost Ben Analysis Security Management Managing Supplier performance Ready for payment stage Distribution of cash/vouchers Budget preparation
Key Challenges What are the main challenges you are facing in supporting markets and cash based programmes? Skills / Capacity / Experience ‘Whole SC’ for C&V Small Vendor Challenges Lack of Clarity – Roles & Resp. Insecurity, Remote Mgt, Access C&V Coordination Concept / Change Resistance Rapid Setup Process Fraud
v Technology Management Resource Allocation Market Assessments Beneficiary Preferences, Practices Preparedness Market Data Value Proposition, VfM Donor Relations IK CTP IK Do no harm CTP commodity types Vendor proximity to beneficiaries Market / Commodity Monitoring Other Challenges
What tools / guidelines are Logisticians already using?
Global Logistics Community What are the gaps? What ideas do you have for what the Global Logistics Community could do? Coordination (int and ext), Knowledge Sharing Service Providers (financial, telecoms) Market Baselines, Assessments ‘Joined up’ Design and Response Analysis Harmonise Procedures Training Donor Relations Risk, Security Advice Comms, Influencing