IHRSA Public Policy 2010 Growing and Protecting the Health Club Industry and Your Fitness Business
IHRSA Policy Goals GROW the number of exercisers by promoting exercise incentives PROTECT clubs from laws that would unnecessarily reduce revenue or membership PROMOTE the power of the industry as a solution to the obesity crisis
IHRSA Public Policy Success in 2009 Threats in 2010 Opportunities in 2010 How You Can Help
Success: 23-0 in 2009 IHRSA successfully protected the industry from stifling taxation and excessive consumer-protection regulation 21 times And, successfully enacted 2 pieces of positive health promotion legislation
Threats in 2010: Sales Tax Personal Trainer Licensure Protecting Automatic Renewal Misguided Consumer Protection Music Copyright
Sales Tax Forty-seven states currently face enormous deficits. Unfortunately and very shortsightedly, taxing membership dues and services has become an attractive option for cash-strapped states. Even if you aren’t being taxed today, assume that your state is thinking about taxing you tomorrow.
A sales tax on dues is estimated to cost a club between $30,000 and $35,000. In 2009, IHRSA stopped Sales Tax efforts in California, Mississippi, New York, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island. Sales Tax
Personal Trainer Licensure Current proposals for personal trainer regulation are restrictive, burdensome and expensive. These bills will have a disastrous impact on clubs and fitness professionals if we don’t stop them in their tracks. Imagine if you were required to only hire trainers with four-year Exercise Science degrees…
Protecting Automatic Renewal Bills have been crafted that would require members to sign new agreements every year, some stipulate every month IHRSA has already stopped these threats 10 times in 2009, and twice in Imagine the cost and hassle of needing to renew every membership every year, or even every month…
Additional Issues Tax-exempt competition Gender-identity issues Facility licensure Defibrillator mandates without liability protection IHRSA is currently monitoring 249 pieces of potentially harmful legislation (as of March 15, 2010)
Music Copyright While the music licensing war is currently being waged outside the US, IHRSA is diligently researching and monitoring the issue in order to lessen its potential impact on the US industry. See for more information on this Global threat.
Opportunities for Growth in 2010 Just as the states provide the greatest short-term threats, Washington, DC provides the best long-term opportunities. The last time health care reform came around in the 90’s, IHRSA was able to save the right for insurance companies to offer healthy lifestyle incentives. Without this law, none of your members would be receiving insurance reimbursements.
Opportunities for Growth in 2010 IHRSA is actively seeking passage of legislation that creates incentives for Americans to exercise. Incentives for workplace exercise The use of pre-tax dollars for exercise and fitness Tax credits Increasing grants for physical education.
Obesity and our Industry’s Role
The federal government is gearing up for a major effort to fight obesity, and will invest in proven prevention and cost saving efforts like physical activity. Without the contributions that enable a strong IHRSA presence in Washington, DC, we will be forced to leave both opportunity and money on the table.
How You Can Help 30% comes from dues and other sources 70% comes from contributors like you Your financial support is vital to the well-being of the industry IHRSA’s efforts to protect and promote your business require over $1.2M per year
Your Contribution will: Ensure that IHRSA has the financial resources necessary to protect the industry and your business from dangerous state legislation Position the industry at the forefront of health promotion, anti-obesity campaigns and wellness policies. Directly support lobbying and grassroots efforts nationwide
Contributors include: Individual trainers and small training facilities, independent clubs, franchised clubs and large chains All types of industry suppliers, especially the companies whose sole source of income are the clubs these efforts protect See a full list of contributors at
To Learn More Visit Contact Meredith Poppler, 800/ or Download the Case for Public Policy Support at
IHRSA’s Guarantee 100% of your contribution goes towards US public policy efforts Every dollar is invested in the most economical and optimal ways to protect, promote and grow your business.
Please Support IHRSA’s Efforts To contribute, please: Visit orwww.ihrsa.org/pledge Contact Meredith Poppler or , ext.129. Contributions and gifts to IHRSA are not deductible as a charitable contribution or as a business expense for federal income tax purposes.