Provided by: P W HMIS DATA COORDINATOR MEETING February 2013
This meeting is for you, please ask questions. Very open format You are on mute, if you have a question either type in it the Chat Box or select the Raise Hand button. Your feedback on the format and content is important; we want this to be useful and informative to you. The meeting is being recorded and will be posted on Before we get Started
HMIS Conversion Update- CCEH AHAR Update New DSS Rapid Re-Housing Program Exit Destinations in HMIS HMIS Training Classes: Which one is the right one for you? HMIS and HEARTH: How they work together Dotting the I’s, Crossing the T’s- 1 st in an on going segment Open Discussion Agenda
Sarah Zucker- CCEH HMIS Conversion Update
Nutmeg has completed the AHAR for the following CoCs: –Stamford –Norwalk –Bridgeport –New Haven –Hartford –Waterbury AHAR Update
Status of our AHAR Submissions: AHAR Update
New Program from DSS for homeless clients. Started February 1 st. Offers Case Management as well as some financial assistance. DSS Rapid Re-Housing Program
Regional Contacts DSS Rapid Re-Housing Program
Regional Contacts DSS Rapid Re-Housing Program
Regional Contacts DSS Rapid Re-Housing Program
Whenever a client leaves a program it is very important to capture why and where they went. Accurately reporting this reflects on your program’s performance. Let’s look at how we did for the Month of January. Exit Destinations
Emergency Shelters have the vast majority of exits. Internal process should begin to be reviewed to assure Exit Destinations are captured. The State Performance Committee is working on standards on this performance item to make sure we are HEARTH Compliant and the proposed standard is 85% KNOWN exit destinations from shelter! Exit Destinations
So you are new to HMIS and you need training. You go to and look at all the classes. And you go UGH!!! Which one do I need? Well let’s try to help you! HMIS Training Classes
First you need to know which HMIS system you are on. –PROVIDE (New Haven only) or Service Point (Everyone Else) –If PROVIDE, it is real easy: we offer only two Provide training class per month. Provide Shelter Work Flow- shelter staff only Provide DMHAS Work Flow Training- for DHMAS Funded Programs To attend a Provide training YOU MUST HAVE A PROVIDE LICENSE FIRST. HMIS Training Classes
Now if you are a Service Point HMIS program we have several trainings to attend. –Statewide HMIS ServicePoint User Training for THP,SHP, Shelter + Care & DSS Aids Funded –Statewide HMIS ServicePoint End User Training for Shelters and Service Based Programs Depending on what you will be doing for your agency you may need only one of these trainings or maybe both. Either way you must start with one of these! HMIS Training Classes
If you will be the person running reports for your programs then you will need to take: –General ART Report Training –This class will not only teach you how to run an ART report but also all the various types of ART reports there are. –You need to have an ART license already to attend this class. If you will be an HDC then you must take: –Statewide HMIS ServicePoint Training for Agency Administrators –This class will allow you to do certain things in HMIS a normal user cannot. HMIS Training Classes
HMIS use is REQUIRED to report to HUD and DSS. HUD Programs (and future funding!) are now driven by performance outcomes. –These outcomes MUST come out of HMIS. High-Performing Communities (HPC) –In order to qualify as an HPC, a Continuum of Care must demonstrate through reliable data that it meets all of the required standards. HMIS and HEARTH
Some of the measures are: –Length of Stay in Emergency Shelters Work on reducing LOS and episodes each year –Measuring Return to shelters after housed.(CT is working on setting it’s own goals on these) 5% or less that leave a program to go to permanent housing return to homelessness Each year the goal will be lowered –An Individual program may not be able to determine these numbers –The COC can by obtaining reports out of HMIS HMIS and HEARTH
HMIS will play a big role in any Centralized or Coordinated Assessment system. ALL ESG programs must be entered into HMIS. ‘‘Each homeless individual or family who sought homeless assistance services in the data system used by that community, will be measured using reliable data from an HMIS” –Page 47 of the HEARTH Interim Rule HMIS and HEARTH
Our world of homelessness is filled with acronyms and it is easy to get lost in knowing how what you do affects the bigger picture. This is the first of a series to help you pull it all together. Dotting the I’s, Crossing the T’s: an on-going segment APR HMIS PIT HIC COC ESG NOFA AHAR
Lets start with some terms and definitions: –AHAR= Annual Homeless Assessment Report: Done yearly, covers 10/01 current to 09/30 of following year A COC report based on HMIS data; data such as: –Clients served yearly basis and for 4 specific dates –Measures data quality –Measures utilization –Breaks data down between all clients and Veterans –COC must submit data for AHAR –Final data is reported to Congress by HUD Dotting the I’s, Crossing the T’s: an on-going segment
–NOFA= Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) Yearly application completed by the COC for all HUD funded programs both Renewals and new Projects. Supplies funding for : –Transitional Living Programs –Permanent Supportive Housing –HMIS –Outreach Programs, etc. Dotting the I’s, Crossing the T’s: an on-going segment
–PIT = Point in Time Done yearly, however one year is for sheltered persons the next for both sheltered and those living on the streets (unsheltered). Done 4th Wednesday of January. Collects certain demographic information. Designed to supply a CoC and Statewide idea of homelessness. Is a HUD requirement that needs to be executed. Dotting the I’s, Crossing the T’s: an on-going segment
–HIC= Housing Inventory Chart Done yearly. All agencies that do PIT supply data on their programs for the HIC. Names Type Client type served Program capacity If they enter into HMIS or not All this information is entered into a HUD website. HUD then compiles this list into the HIC for CoC use. Next month: How do they all fit together? Dotting the I’s, Crossing the T’s: an on-going segment
Open Mic Questions or Comments??
I want to thank Jackie Janosko of Operation Hope and Noel Kammermann of Inspirica for their help on this month’s agenda and help on the discussions. There will be two meetings in March. Dates and registration links will be sent out. Closing Items
P HMIS (4647)