Selected Good Practice Models in CEE Effective Partnerships
Martin B. Tracy, Ph.D. Social Insurance Research International 1519 Canterbury Drive Murray, Kentucky
Center Dolfke Boštjanèiè Draga - Slovenia A residential institution for training, education, health care, rehabilitation and nursing of children and youth with moderate, severe and the most severe mental development disorders and additional disorders.
Societatea Romana Speranta – Timisoara, Romania NGO parent organization for persons (children and adults) with mental disabilities. Its main goal is to improve the quality of life for persons with mental disabilities and their families.
Priorities 1.Transition to an inclusive education 2.De-institutionalize 3.Transition to inclusive communities
Services Social enquiries by social workers Material support to all members in need, from donations and sponsorships Short-term living centre for mentally disabled children Informative meetings among members and specialists, representatives of civil society, administration, and politics
Green Doors - Prague, Czech Republic Green Doors is a nongovernmental organization (NGO) founded in 1993 for the rehabilitation of people with long-term mental health problems.
Services Providing employment opportunities for people with mental health problems. Vocational training activities; training workshops and tearoom for institutionalized patients. Sheltered workshops.
Services Continued Organizes integrative cultural and social events for the general public including concerts, activities for children, and open exhibitions. Website:
The Salva Vita Foundation – Budapest, Hungary NGO founded that provides supported employment services with the aim that people with intellectual disabilities are able to find jobs on the open market. Affirms that they are equal citizens while at the same time promotes the reality that differences among people exist.
Services Support to people with intellectual disabilities in transition from school to work. A “Job Club” that provides support to people in integrated work schemes. A cultural program that allows people with intellectual disabilities to attend social events, such as theatre performances.
Handbook with Video “Supported Employment—Mentally Disabled Employees in the Open Labour Market” (2000). Integrated methodological package in the training of social workers and teachers of children with intellectual disabilities. Website:
Viltis – Vilnius, Lithuania NGO founded in November 1989 that provides comprehensive services throughout Lithuania for children with intellectual disabilities. It has nearly 12,000 members in 50 local branches, including people with intellectual disabilities and their families.
Services Early intervention services. Special kindergartens. Integrated education programs. Special schools for children with severe and multiple disabilities.
Services Continued Occupational day centers for adults with intellectual disabilities. Group homes for adults with intellectual disabilities. Family support centers.
AURORA Day Care Centre - Bucharest Educational and rehabilitation institution for neuromotor disabled children. Created in 1995 by two non-governmental organizations, ASCHFR – The Association for the Support of Physically Disabled Children in Romania and Handicap International (a French organization).
AURORA SERVICES The centre provides services for children with disabilities from age 3 to 14 who are not provided education or support in their family. Website: htm
Pentru Voi – Timisoara, Romania NGO founded in 1996 to provide community- based services for adults with intellectual disabilities. Its philosophy is based on the principle of inclusion and the idea that all people are equal and should be respected and valued as a basic human right.
Pentru Voi Services Day center for adults, group homes. Services to families. Therapeutic garden, a bakery. Training for staff. Publication of a newsletter, Inclusion. Magazine, Pentru Voi.
Pentru Voi Partnerships Partnership between the Pentru Voi Foundation, the State Inspectorate for Handicapped Persons (Timisoara), and the municipality of Timisoara. Part of the lobbying coalition for a National Strategy for Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities. Presented activities in Strasbourg (France), Belgium, and Sweden. Website: