Jyväskylä, Finland IAEVG Conference 2009 June 3-5, 2009 Coherence, Co-operation and Quality in Guidance & Counselling NGO’s in Career Services A distinctive role Nikos Stathopoulos Mary Tountopoulou George Koukoulas
2 Institute for Career Guidance & Counseling System A: the economy Creates wealth human activity jobs Political Economy Political Economy How is wealth created?
3 Institute for Career Guidance & Counseling the economy defines: Dexterities wanted Dexterities wanted Job Descriptions & Roles Job Descriptions & Roles Numbers of needed hands & brains Numbers of needed hands & brains Labor relations, Ethics & Rules Labor relations, Ethics & Rules GrowthProfitExpansion Priorities: No inherent interest in jobs (Automation & Robots)
4 Institute for Career Guidance & Counseling system B: the state(s) Distributing wealth social activity-income Policies & Law Policies & Law How is wealth distributed and spent?
5 Institute for Career Guidance & Counseling the states’ domain: Taxation, Budget Taxation, Budget Education, Research Education, Research Labor Law Labor Law System’s continuity Social peace Security & welfare Priorities: 1 st priority: Protection of the establishment. (war is an acceptable practice)
6 Institute for Career Guidance & Counseling A predominant conflict economystates Technocrats Innovation Enterpreneurship. Politicians Tradition Bureaucracy. GlobalLocal
7 Institute for Career Guidance & Counseling Systems & Forces influencing employability economystates employment entrepreneurship productive activities
8 Institute for Career Guidance & Counseling What would be the balancing Force? (look for the answer in slide #20)
R. Magritte Imagine the future! Institute for Career Guidance & Counseling 9
10 Institute for Career Guidance & Counseling Name a country… Richest in the World Largest Military Center of world business and finance Strongest education system World center of innovation and invention Currency the world standard of value Highest standard of living
11 Institute for Career Guidance & Counseling England
12 Institute for Career Guidance & Counseling ninety years ago.
13 Institute for Career Guidance & Counseling It’s estimated that a week’s worth of Le Monde contains more information than a person was likely to come across in a lifetime, in the 18 th century.
14 Institute for Career Guidance & Counseling It’s estimated that 1.5 exabytes (that’s 1.5 x ) of unique new information has been generated worldwide last year. That’s estimated to be more than during the previous 5,000 years.
15 Institute for Career Guidance & Counseling The number of Grade A BRIC* students today is as large as that of all European & American students *Brasil, Russia, India, China
16 Institute for Career Guidance & Counseling The amount of new technical information is doubling every 2 years. It’s predicted to double every 72 hours by 2011.
17 Institute for Career Guidance & Counseling According to former US Secretary of Education Richard Riley, the top 10 in-demand jobs in 2010 didn’t exist in 2004.
18 Institute for Career Guidance & Counseling So, we are currently preparing students to use technologies that haven’t been invented, for jobs that don’t yet exist, in order to solve problems we don’t know are problems yet.
19 Institute for Career Guidance & Counseling Change happens rapidly.
20 Institute for Career Guidance & Counseling For which other Domain is most critical the issue of Career Counseling? Who else would be most interested about this challenge today?
21 Institute for Career Guidance & Counseling The Society: Sustainability Sustainability Reproduction Reproduction Influence & adaptability Influence & adaptability Creativity Creativity PeaceSafetyWelfareProsperity Priorities:
22 Institute for Career Guidance & Counseling Systems & Forces stakeholders of employability economystates employment entrepreneurship productive activities society
23 Institute for Career Guidance & Counseling The domains… economystates society
24 Institute for Career Guidance & Counseling …and their institutions Companies,Organizations Administration, Schools… NGO’s
25 Institute for Career Guidance & Counseling NGO’s Flexible Flexible In touch with people In touch with people In touch with administration In touch with administration In touch with economy In touch with economy Social impact oriented Social impact oriented Result oriented Result oriented They care They care ( …and they may be a model for the new Social Economy)
Thank you!