Dave Tynan Director, OAKE Europe
OAKE Europe Mission To facilitate the interaction of groups to develop innovative approaches to research and development, to apply for appropriate European funding, and to manage projects successfully. OAKE Europe provides understandable, concise information to all actors about funding opportunities, together with a range of support services to facilitate, develop, manage and evaluate European project initiatives.
OAKE Europe Who we work with – organisations SME’s, NGO’s Public bodies Education and training Why we work with them is because we cannot do it all alone Who we work with – people People who are most excluded: for example: Homeless, substance misuses, ex prisoners Youth and women's groups Newly arrived immigrants and ethnic communities
Project partners across Europe Italy Germany Spain France Austria Greece Bulgaria Turkey Latvia Poland Czech Republic Denmark Malta Rumania Portugal Hungary
VIDEO PROJECT Opportunities for OAKE Creating local partnerships with other NGO’s CiC (Manchester Methodists) Peoples Voice Media Creating local partnerships with SME’s and small employers. Technology company - SSME Training company – SSME Research company – SME Creating links with Employment Services Job Centre Plus – Work Solutions (MCC)
VIDEO PROJECT Activities for OAKE Desk top research Research using the Internet showed that VIDEO CV exists already But its mainly a professionally managed and delivered service. Partnerships with local NGO’s led to new partnership with CiC and PVM CiC to support he the beneficiaries PVM to deliver on the technology
VIDEO PROJECT Activities for OAKE Research and focus group with employers Questionnaires Focus group Meetings Meetings with Employment Services Tried to get them to come to the meetings – but they were too busy Had one to one meetings at their offices
VIDEO PROJECT Feedback from the Activities Partnership with the NGO’s Worried about the cost of the technology Worried that we would be creating another barrier to people who do not have access to technology Research and focus group with employers Not all positive Issues raised include: Would it be a tool that allowed prejudices to be easily used. Technology may be too high for SME’s
VIDEO PROJECT Feedback from the Activities Employment Services They want a UK VIDEO CV programme ….. But they do not really have the time themselves. And they do not have the money to develop.
VIDEO PROJECT Activities for OAKE Creation of VIDEO CV samples was completed by CiC linking to the client group. They already provide back top work straining and skills and using the VIDEO CV methodology the prepared 5 people for test VIDEO CV’s Peoples Voice Media provided the technical knowhow and used it as a training session for their local community reporters. View the samples at:
VIDEO PROJECT Activities for OAKE Research and focus group with employers Not all positive
VIDEO PROJECT Conclusions It’s a great tool that uses new technologies to engage with excluded people – but its not to be seen as a total solution. Its one tool that can be used to help in a particular way. It helps up skill and train local employment advisors in ICT Training people who had been out of work for long periods to get back into employment
VIDEO PROJECT Conclusions Possible benefits to small companies who do not have large HR Departments CiC have already added the VIDEO CV tool to their port folio of training methodologies. PVM are talking to Salford University about expending the scheme in Salford. There are sill some issues noted above – for example the technology, and will it exclude some people further.
VIDEO PROJECT Conclusions Possible savings to small companies - both in time and money. Any development in the UK will have to decide if it’s a generic tool or one that’s specific to a particular job vacancy. This will demand 2 different types and styles of VIDEO CV.