AGENDA Welcome & Introductions Sharing & Discussion Topics Countywide activity ESL Symposium Evaluation Results Essential Actions: 15 Research-based Practices to Increase ELL Student Achievement Resources: CCIU Moodle, WiDA Parent Webinars, colleagues, -others …
SHARING AND DISCUSSION TOPICS 1.“Push-In” ESL Instruction at the Elem Level 2.ESL Supports for Algebra I and Keystones 3.Co-Teaching ESL 4.Challenges of Economic Disadvantage for ELLs 5.Need for Interpreter or Translation Services 6.Other- Hot Topics or Success Stories
COUNTYWIDE 2014 Morning: ESL and Special Ed- Required Information Presented by Jessica Mazzoli, CCIU Afternoon: ELL Strategies for Participation and Learning Presented by Patty Gieschen, CCIU Last day for online registration – Monday 10/27! Implement.png 381 KB
ESL SYMPOSIUM EVALUATION RESULTS The Essential Understand or Big Idea
“15 RESEARCH-BASED PRACTICES TO INCREASE ELL STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT” From WIDA’s Essential Actions Handbook Can be used as a PLC (Professional Learning Community) to answer the 3 key questions as identified in the work of Richard DuFour: 1.What do we want each student to learn? 2.How will we know when each student has learned it? 3.How will we respond when a student experiences difficulty in learning?
ACCESSING THE ESL RESOURCES MOODLE SITE Launch your browser and go to; php?id=340 ~ OR ~ Go to * Scroll down to the bottom of the page * In the search bar enter “ESL Resources” * Choose ESL Resource Page (top left)
FUTURE MEETING DATES ESC Wednesday, Oct. 22nd, 2014 Tuesday, January 20th, 2015 Tuesday, April 14th, 2015 Tuesday, June 2nd, 2015