Palestine and Israel
Early Zionist Movement 1870s Russian Czar begins pogroms against Jewish population. 1870s-1900 First European Jews begin settling in Palestine.
British Mandate From 1916 to 1947, Palestine controlled by British. British try to limit Jewish immigration and displacement of Arabs, but also pronounce support for a future Jewish state.
Foundation of the State of Israel following WWII, large-scale Jewish immigration 1948 British mandate to end, United Nations to take over. Instead, Jewish state of Israel proclaimed, prepares for war with Arab states. Israel is victorious, 750,000 Palestinian refugees forced to leave.
Right to Return December 1948 the U.N. General Assembly passes resolution: "that refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbor should be permitted to do so” This resolution has been annually re- affirmed by the U.N. ever since, but is ignored by Israel.
1967 Arab Israeli War Egypt closes Suez Canal to Israeli ships. Israel attacks Egypt and others in preemptive strike. Israel absorbs Sinai and Golan Heights, occupies Golan and West Bank. Roughly 300,000 more refugees flee.
Increasing US role Total aid since $84 billion--Israel #1 foreign aid recipient
Palestinian and Arab retaliations 1987 first Intifada 1980s first use of suicide bombers 2000 second Intifada
Palestinians Today There are roughly 8 million Palestinians About 5 million are still refugees Over 40% unemployment in W Bank & Gaza Over 60% below poverty level Palestinians killed (600 Israelis)