Martial Arts By: Kenneth Anderson
Judo Judo was created by Master Jigoro Kano. Judo was created by Master Jigoro Kano. Master Kano created this from many forms of jujutsu. Master Kano created this from many forms of jujutsu. This sport was created in This sport was created in 1882.
Judo throws These are some types of judo throws: These are some types of judo throws: Shoulder throw Shoulder throw Leg throws Leg throws Hip throws Hip throws Sarifice throws Sarifice throws Pick ups Pick ups
Karate Karate means “empty handed” this means that there are no weapons used in this martial art. This was created in Japan in the Anikiawa islands. Karate uses punches, kicks and all that other junk. Karate students wear a uniform called a gi. There belt colors are white, yellow, green, brown, and black. Karate means “empty handed” this means that there are no weapons used in this martial art. This was created in Japan in the Anikiawa islands. Karate uses punches, kicks and all that other junk. Karate students wear a uniform called a gi. There belt colors are white, yellow, green, brown, and black.
Karate Styles Goyu Ryu Goyu Ryu Shorin Ryu Shorin Ryu Uechi Ryu Uechi Ryu Shorei Ryu Shorei Ryu
Tae Won Do Tae won do started in the Korean military for there defense. Tae won do started in the Korean military for there defense. Tae means to smash some one with there foot. Tae means to smash some one with there foot. Kwon means to have a character of smashing something with your fist. Kwon means to have a character of smashing something with your fist. Do means to be a person who grows. Do means to be a person who grows. This sport includes kicks, punches, and jumping. This sport includes kicks, punches, and jumping. The belts are the same as karate (but we have a red belt you don’t). The belts are the same as karate (but we have a red belt you don’t).