ETUC and ILGA-Europe Extending Equality Role of Trades Unions in Extending LGBT Equality in the Workplace. January 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

ETUC and ILGA-Europe Extending Equality Role of Trades Unions in Extending LGBT Equality in the Workplace. January 2008

Overview Very important step this co-operation between ETUC and ILGA-Europe Appreciate that ETUC is hosting this conference as part of our partnership in advancing Equality in the Workplace. Look forward to seeing the outcomes from the conference in terms of next steps at national, regional, local and branch levels

equality Solidarity and working together a core principle of the work of trades unions Key principle of ILGA-Europe - to have equality for all, and within that equality for lgbt people. Using international human rights instruments, the indivisibility of rights and the nonsense that a hierarchy of rights means

Laws and Realities While there are laws at EU level – the 2000/78 anti-discrimination employment directive which protects against discrimination on the ground of sexual orientation Re-cast gender directive of 2006/54 which protects against discrimination on the ground of gender identity Disparity between law and lived realities

Realities Still a high level of discrimination in the workplace on grounds of s.o.g.i. Individuals taking court cases at national level and progressing to European level Conferences and publications to increase awareness of the rights Transnational projects Trades Unions working to promote and protect workers’ rights – negotiations…

Realities Education International, Public Service International, National level Unions International Workers Out conferences since 1998, and again in 2002, 2006 in Montreal and scheduled for Copenhagen 2009 LGBT NGO’s and Trades Unionists organising on the issues

Results from the survey of this project later this morning. People learning form each other in transnational projects or through networking Need to think about how to work with each other into the future so as to make the rights more of a reality

Counter forces in the reality Negative economic environment Negative political environment Hierarchy of when to address what issues – notion of economic rights and social rights in competition Some Trades Unions in some European countries aren’t allies for equality of lgbt people

Issues to address in future work In some countries the role of Trades Unions is not experienced as supportive The question of the recognition of same sex families becomes strongly linked to employment when many employment terms and conditions are denied lgbt people because of lack of recognition of families not based on man/woman

Proposed equality directive in areas outside employment…this is necessary for the full enjoyment of equality in society Hate crimes and homophobic speech, behaviours and attitudes need to be addressed. Having the possibility to enjoy rights requires a culture that supports equality Human rights of all and challenges

Negative attitudes, stereotypes and prejudices that lead to discrimination Need to think about a framework agreement similar to that for Race on Hate so as to address the violence that is directed to older people, people with disabilities, lgbt people and people of differing religions as well as ethnic groups

Other opportunities and tools ILO – and using international human rights stands and especially those of employment European Social Charter Social Dialogue and the role of Social Partners in discussions and negotiations at national and European levels – especially on the debate on Social Europe, next equality legislation

Discussions on social inclusion and mechanisms to incorporate anti- discrimination and equality into this Social Protection issues Health – including health and safety, and especially bullying – link to homophobia in society Education – curricula and school culture and training of professionals.

Working together TU and LGBT NGO’s at local, regional and national levels, as well as at European level Working with materials and expertise of each other to raise issues and awareness Ni neart go cur le cheile - there’s no strength until we work together..or our strength is when we work together.

A great deal as been done and there is a lot more to do! Tosach ana-mhaith deanta – ach nil ach leath na h-oibre deanta! Working together we can make it happen that working for equality for all will make for a society based on true equality