Beijing Platform for Action Review of key trends from 2007 to 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

Beijing Platform for Action Review of key trends from 2007 to 2012

Main policies: Europe 2020, 20 million out of poverty (European Platform against Poverty) Strategy for equality between women and men European Year for combating poverty and social exclusion (2010) Women and poverty (A)

17% of total population at risk of poverty ( 0.2 p.p. higher since 2007), Gender gap of 1% At risk of poverty rate increased for: Young people 24%, gender gap of 1.6 p.p. Elderly women at 16% ( from12% ) Single men at 25% ( from 22%) Women and poverty

Recent trends: New forms of social benefits Support to women’s access to employment (single parents, entrepreneurship) Reforming pension contributions Women and poverty

Main policies: Europe 2020 Employment Guidelines Horizon 2020 Education and training for women (B)

Women university graduates 59% (unchanged) Women graduates in science, mathematics, computing 42% (from 40%) Graduates in engineering, manufacturing and construction 28% (from 24%) Gender gap among postgraduate level decreasing: 53% of men (from 54%) Education and training for women

Percentage of women and men of all ISCED 5 and 6-graduates, EU-28, 2012 Source: Calculation based on Eurostat, Education statistics (educ_grad5)

Recent trends: Targeted measures in education and training, including gender stereotypes Mainstreaming gender in educational policies and school curricula Programmes for girls from disadvantaged groups Education and training for women

Main policies: Council conclusions on Equality and Health in all Policies Resolution of the EP on reducing health inequalities in the EU Communication Social Investment Package of the EC Women and Health (C)

Decreased number of deaths caused by cardiovascular diseases Increased unhealthy behaviour among women Small gender gaps regarding unmet medical examination needs Women and Health

Recent trends: Prevention decreased maternal and infant health Decreased legal abortions Targeted measures enabling access to healthcare for specific groups of women Gender specific health and rehabilitation programmes Women and Health

Main policies: ‘Comprehensive Approach to the EU implementation of the United Nations Security Specific measures enabling access to healthcare for Council Resolutions 1325 and 1820 on women, peace and security’ (Council of the EU) ‘Resolution on the implementation of the European Security Strategy and the Common and Defence Policy (CSDP) (EP), and 2 other resolutions Women and Armed Conflict (E)

20% of the aid to peace and security sector has a gender dimension 5% women in UN peace keeping operations 10% in Common Security and Defence Policy missions Women and Armed Conflict

Percentage of women among the asylum seekers in EU Source: Eurostat, Decisions on applications and resettlement (migr_asydcfsta )

Main policies: Women’s Charter (COM (2010) European Commission’s Strategy for equality between women and men ( ) Directive (COM(2012)614 final) on improving the gender balance among non-executive directors of companies listed on stock exchanges and related measures Women in Power and Decision-making (G)

Cross-cutting area in the Beijing Platform for Action: Area GDecision-making Area BEducation and Training Area EArmed Conflict Area J Media Area KEnvironment Women in Power and Decision-making (G)

SectorWomen’s representation (%) AcademiaGrade C posts44%2014 Grade B posts37%2014 Grade A posts20%2014 Diplomatic and military sectorsStaff in peace-keeping operations6%2011 Heads of diplomatic missions17%2011 EnvironmentSenior ministers19%2013 EU/internationalSocial partners23%2013 European Parliament37%2013 European Commissioners32%2013 Decision-making

SectorWomen’s representation (%) PoliticalNational or federal parliaments27%2013 Junior or senior ministers25%2013 SocialSupreme courts35%2013 Media32%2012 EconomicNational central bank18%2013 Executive boards12%2013 Non-executive boards19%2013 Decision-making

Main policies: European Protection Order Victim’s Directive Council conclusions (3 sets) Resolutions of the EP (2) Daphne III and PROGRESS (EC) Commission’s Strategy for equality between women and men Violence against women (D)

Recent trends: Priority for all Member States Majority of MS adopted NAPs More data available through national and European surveys, studies at EU level Programmes for perpetrators gained more recognition Training for professionals more widely available Increased cooperation with NGOs Violence against women

Women are three times more likely to experience sexual harassment at the workplace (Eurofound, 2002) One in 3 women has experienced some form of physical or sexual violence since the age of 15 in the EU (FRA, 2014) … this is equivalent to 60 million women! Violence against women

Main policies: Parental Leave Directive (Council Directive 2010/18) Directive.... in a self-employed capacity (2010/41) ‘Integrated Europe 2020 guidelines’ Structural Funds regulations ( ) Horizon 2020 Women and Economy (F)

Cross-cutting area in the Beijing Platform for Action: Area APoverty Area BEducation and Training Area FEconomy Women and Economy

Women’s employment continues to fall short of the Europe 2020 target Women and Economy

Employment in the EU by sex, 2012, Europe 2020 target: 75 %

Women’s employment continues to fall short of the Europe 2020 target Unequal distribution of part-time work Women and Economy

Share of part-time work by sex in the EU-28, 2012, 15-64

Women’s employment continues to fall short of the Europe 2020 target Unequal distribution of part-time work Segregation in education transposes into labour market segregation Women and Economy

Sectoral segregation in the EU-28, 2012

Occupational segregation in the EU-28, 2012

Gender gaps in income, earnings and pensions in the EU-28

Increased legal and institutional commitment of Member States to gender mainstreaming (47% compared to 36%) Improved production and dissemination of statistics disaggregated by sex Shift towards legal aspects of discrimination Gender equality at risk of marginalisation Institutional mechanisms for the advancement of women (H)

Legal obligations to use gender mainstreaming methods by Member States, 2013 EIGE, Effectiveness of Institutional Mechanisms for the Advancement of Gender Equality, Data were collected in January-April 2013.

Main policies: Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) European Pact for equality between women and men ( ) Directives connected to violence against women Directive on self-employment Directive 2011/92/EU on combating the sexual abuse, sexual exploitation of children and child pornography Human Rights of Women (I)

Main policies: legislative proposal on improving the gender balance among the non-executive directories of companies listed on stock exchanges European Disability Strategy 2010 – 2020 Human Rights of Women

Structural and institutional barriers for women accessing Justice Restrictive legislation curbs women’s access to reproductive rights Human Rights of Women

Main policies: Audio-visual Media Services Directive Council conclusions (2013) Women and the Media (J)

Increased employment in the media (44%) 68% graduates in journalism and information courses 32% in top positions 26% on boards of EU media organisations Women and the Media

More women obtaining degrees in subjects related to the environment but less in those related to energy and transport Stronger support for women’s access to science and technology education and careers Women and the Environment (K)

Main policies: EU Agenda for the Rights of the Child Directive 2011/36/EU on Preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims; Directive 2011/92/EU on Combating the sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and child pornography The Girl Child (L)

Recent trends: Closing gender gap in performance in mathematics and Scientific literacy Sex and relationship education tends to focus on health issues Girls’ negative perception of their bodies: 40 % compared with 22 % of boys The Girl Child

Violence against women (D) Women and Economy (F) Institutional, mechanisms for the advancement of Women (H) Women and the Media (J) Women and the Environment (K) Available on www. EIGE’s reports reviewing BPfA