Question 1 Your 15 person platoon is advancing towards a village. The village is heavily populated and you notice villagers are taking shelter in the mosque.


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Presentation transcript:

Question 1 Your 15 person platoon is advancing towards a village. The village is heavily populated and you notice villagers are taking shelter in the mosque. As you advance, sporadic fire comes from the mosque. What can the troops do in accordance with the LOAC regarding the hostile fire from the mosque?

Question 2 You see a group of armed men enter a nearby hospital. From one corner of the hospital, a white piece of cloth is waiving. As your troops approach, small arms fire comes from the other side of the hospital. What can the troops do in accordance with the LOAC regarding the hostile fire from the hospital?

Question 3 Your platoon is approaching a mosque when suddenly there is incoming sniper fire. One of your men is shot. The platoon is pinned down by the sniper fire. You believe the sniper is in the tower of the minaret. This particular mosque is from the 14 th century. Your platoon is supported by a tank that is 200 meters behind you. Outside the mosque you notice civilians in the areas around the base of the mosque. Your platoon has a sniper team. Your ANA team support platoon is 15 minutes away. What do you do?

Question 4 Darkness falls as you approach the next village. At sunrise your platoon begins their approach. Intelligence confirms this village contains enemy Taliban forces. As your troops approach the next village they see a young boy. The young boy whistles and you see another boy 50 meters further ahead of that boy run towards a compound where you suspect the Taliban forces are located. The compound is about 800 meters away. Your rifleman sniper confirms he has a clear shot of the boy. What should you do?

Question 5 MOVIE/VIDEO Blackhawk Down (Child on Radio) At what point does this child become a combatant?

Question 6 MOVIE/VIDEO Blackhawk Down (woman with weapon) At what point does this woman become a combatant?

Question 7 MOVIE/VIDEO The Patriot (boy shot in the back trying to help brother) Was this a violation of LOAC?

Question 8 Enemy forces approach your unit with weapons raised above their heads. You yell for their surrender, they seem to understand, but continue with hands and weapons raised above their head. One of your troops shoots one of them. All but one of them place their weapons down. Suddenly, one begins to run away. Can you legally order to shoot that soldier that is running away?

Question 9 Did the first troop who fired and shot the one enemy force violate the Law of Armed Conflict?

Question 10 Your company comes upon an injured Taliban fighter. He has been shot by a NATO Apache helicopter during a fierce gun battle had lost a foot, much of his other leg above the knee, and entrails are hanging out of a fist-sized hole in his midsection. An Afghan national who sees the injured Taliban says the man is 98 per cent dead. Your Afghan medical officer states he can’t be helped, the man is in extreme pain, and there is nothing the medical officer can do to ease the injured Taliban fighter’s pain. He estimates he will likely live for minutes. One of your lieutenants fires a round into the injured Taliban fighter’s head. What should you do?

Question 11 You find another injured Taliban fighter. He has been shot in the stomach. Your Afghan medic refuses to treat an enemy fighter because he is the "enemy.“ What should you do?

Question 12 MOVIE/VIDEO -“Digging at night” Is this a violation of LOAC?

Question 13 MOVIE/VIDEO -Saving Private Ryan -(Bell Tower Church USA guy tank) Is this a violation of LOAC?

Question 14 MOVIE/VIDEO -Helicopter “he’s hit, he’s wounded” Is this a violation of LOAC?

Question 15 An enemy fighter has been severely burned after the vehicle he was in caught fire, and also had his abdominal organs destroyed by gunshots. As the man struggled to breathe, two of your soldiers decided his wounds were fatal, and that they should put him out of his misery. Both then shot him in the head. Is this a violation of LOAC?