ESRC SEMINAR 18 February 2005 Evelyn Collins Chief Executive
EQUALITY COMMISSION FOR NORTHERN IRELAND Established October 1999 Covers Race relations (1997) Sex discrimination and equal pay (1976) Religious and political opinion discrimination (1976; 1989) Disability (1995, 2000) Sexual orientation (2003)
ROLE promote equality of opportunity and affirmative/positive action work towards the elimination of discrimination promote good relations between persons of different racial groups keep equality legislation under review advise on and review public authority equality duties
BACKGROUND SACHR Report on Fair Employment, 1996 Partnerships for Equality, White Paper, March 1998 statutory equality duties Belfast Agreement, April 1998 Northern Ireland Act, July 1998
Section 75 (1) duty on public authorities ‘Due regard’ to the need to promote ‘equality of opportunity’ (a)between persons of different religious belief, political opinion, racial group, age, marital status or sexual orientation (b)between men and women generally (c) between persons with a disability and persons withoutand (d)between persons with dependants and persons without
Section 75 (2) duty on public authorities ‘Regard to the desirability of promoting ‘good relations’ between persons of different religious belief between persons of different political opinion between persons of different racial groups
Section 75 Equality Schemes Consultation Screening EQIA
Section 75 – For Public Authorities and others new way of working new categories engagement between PAs and NGO sector definition of policies/policy capacity resources information process driven/outcome driven
Section 75 – For Commission provision of advice and guidance timescale approval of Schemes
Section 75 Reviews of progress Joint Declaration Review Commission’s review of effectiveness
Working across the equality strands in employment lessons from fair employment strand one-stop-shop advice for employers/service providers employment equality plans – learning across the strands single strand also eg access provisions DDA equal pay migrant workers
Single equality legislation ECNI Draft Corporate Plan, March 2000 Draft Programme for Government, July 2000 OFMDFM consultations 2001/2004 timescale
experience informing ECNI policy positions harmonisation upwards – minimise potential for hierarchies clear, workable, understandable move to pro-active approach scope of coverage/powers
Programme for Government mainstreaming of equality considerations assessment of equality impacts specific policies review of community relations policy and strategy on a shared future review of public procurement Taskforce on employability New TSN – anti-poverty strategy hate crime draft gender strategy
LESSONS broadening of the equality agenda synergy/learning between equality strands multi-identity issues strategic choices – single strand/integrated approaches/combination effective stakeholder engagement political environment