Free classes and textbooks! Registration and testing starts shortly after 7:00! Bad weather / school closing info: Or Classes begin on Jan 22 at 6:30! They end Apr. 23.
Our program We offer 6 levels of English classes. 1. Low Beginner 2. High Beginner 3. Low Intermediate 4. High Intermediate 5. Low Advance 6. High Advance
Here to help you learn English! Listening, speaking, reading and writing Skills for jobs and living in the community Great place to connect with others Great place to exchange ideas and resources Friendly, experienced teachers
REGISTRATION FOR DISTRICT 211 ADULT ESL CLASS The placement test will put you in a level, so do your best! You will not be able ask for a teacher or level.
We will… Place you in a level after a test Give you 72 hours of instruction each semester Offer you a summer session at Fremd High School in Palatine from May to June for 3 nights a week.
We need you to: Come to class Complete State of Illinois and District 211 Registration forms If you are new, take a reading test Take the state pre test. Take the state post test at the end of the semester If you come to most classes and take the post test, then no registration and placement night next semester!
What Class Will YOU Be In? If you have an ADDRESS, we will the class to you. No ? Come to the first day of classes (Wednesday, Jan 22) to find your name on the list on the wall around the corner of room 111.
We will now pass out the registration sheets and go through them together.
Last Name: Family name First Name: What do we call you? Address (123 Smith St) City Palatine, Schaumburg, Hoffman Estates, Hanover Park Zip Code 60…. Circle: male female s Telephone Number :
Social Security Number (if you don’t have one you can still take classes!) address (send class info) Today’s date: Aug. 20, 2014
Your date of birth Month Day Year Born in : (ex: Mexico) Languages spoken: (ex. Polish) How did you hear about these classes? friends/catalog/internet/family Or Reflejos flyer? ESL class before? Tell us teacher or book or level
Do you work? Circle one: Yes No If yes, what do you do? Name job How many hours every week? 20? 40? How many years of school in YOUR country? I needed help with this form: a little a lot none Signature Julie Frost
Thank you! We will take the test next. It will last 45 minutes. If it is too hard or you finish early, bring it up to the front. We will give you a paper with the start date, time, and location. If you are not taking classes, please wait in the hallway for your family or friends. That will save us some work!
Teachers will check and pick up the forms and give you an answer sheet. Please print your first and last names on the answer sheet. Thank you for coming! See you Wed. Jan 22 nd !