Definitions of Terrorism
US DEPARTMENT OF STATE Terrorism is defined as “the unlawful use of – or threatened use of – force or violence against individuals or property to coerce or intimidate governments or societies, often to achieve political, religious, or ideological objectives.”
http://archives. cnn. com/2000/ALLPOLITICS/stories/06/05/curbing http://archives.cnn.com/2000/ALLPOLITICS/stories/06/05/curbing.terrorism.02/terrorism.ranking.map.gif
FBI The FBI defines terrorism as: “the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.”
Another Definition Psychological strategy of war for gaining political ends by deliberately creating a well-founded climate of fear among the civilian population. Such a strategy may be used by an occupying army on the occupied population. Many terrorist acts, especially against an occupying military or against illegal occupants are acts of war or resistance, and not terrorism. www.naiadonline.ca/book/01Glossary.htm
One More Definition Any act including, but not limited to, the use of force or violence and/or threat thereof of any person or group(s) of persons whether acting alone or on behalf of, or in connection with, any organization(s) or government(s) committed for political, religions, ideological or similar purposes, including the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public or any section of the public in fear. www.ecis.org/finance/paisdefin.htm
TERRORISM Whether it takes the form of bombings, shootings, hijackings, or assassinations, terrorism is neither random, spontaneous, nor blind; it is a deliberate use of violence against civilians for political, ideological or religious ends. http://cfrterrorism.org/terrorism/introduction.html
Components of Terrorism 1. It is premeditated—planned in advance, rather than an impulsive act of rage. 2. It is political—not criminal, like the violence that groups such as the mafia use to get money, but designed to change the existing political order. 3. It is aimed at civilians—not at military targets or combat-ready troops. It is carried out by subnational groups—not by the army of a country. http://cfrterrorism.org/terrorism/introduction.html
1. Irish Republic Army (IRA) In August 1998, a splinter group of the Irish Republican Army exploded a bomb in a shopping center in the town of Omagh, Northern Ireland, killing 28 and wounding hundreds.
2. Chechen Rebels In 1999, as part of an effort to separate Chechnya from the Russian federation, a group of Chechen rebels bombed a series of Moscow apartment buildings killing several hundred Russians.
3. Mosque Attack On February 25, 1994, Baruch Goldstein, a member of an ultra-nationalist Israeli group called Kach, felt betrayed by his government’s policy on peace with the Palestinians. He entered the Ibrahim Mosque on the West Bank and, with his automatic-assault rifle, fired 111 shots into the congregation of 800 Palestinian Muslim worshippers. Before being beaten to death, he killed 29 people and wounded 150.
4. Zapatistas In 1994, claiming to be fighting against poverty and injustice and for the rights of indigenous peoples, Zapatistas from the Mexican State of Chiapas, their face covered by black ski masks or red bandanas, blew up telephone and electrical towers and detonated car bombs in Mexico City injuring several people.
5. USS Cole In October 2000, 17 US sailors died in an attack allegedly by members of a group called Al Qaeda on the United States ship the USS Cole docked in the Yemeni port of Aden.
6. Archduke In August 1914, Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand was assassinated in Sarajevo, Bosnia by Gavrilo Princip, a member of a Serbian nationalist group called the Black Hand.
7. Suicide Bombing In April 2002, a Palestinian man detonated a bomb strapped to his body killing himself and Israelis celebrating their religious holiday of Passover in a Tel Aviv hotel.
8. Boston Tea Party A group called the Sons of Liberty, dressed like Mohawk Indians, dumped tons of British Tea into Boston Harbor.
9. 9/11 On September 11, 2001 hijackers took four commercial planes and flew them into targets killing all the hostages and people at each target location including the World Trade Center Towers, the Pentagon and another that crashed in Pennsylvania.