International Program Update
Agenda The value of international education Why a community college? Where do our International Students come from? What do our International Student major in? What do international students want? Where are we at and recommendations?
The Value of International Education Serve as excellent models for our students; Increases the cultural awareness of our faculty, staff, and students; Prepares our local community students for good paying jobs in multi- national businesses (e.g. Amazon, NAPA), healthcare (e.g. Loma Linda University Medical Center, Kaiser Permanente) and/or those businesses that are served by multinational companies (e.g. Stater Brothers); Prepares our transfer students who will be attending universities with large populations of international students; Reminds us that we live in a global village and that we expand our learning potential when we are more inclusive And….. They’re here…..
Where are they from? Australia – 1 China – 4 (1 CHC, 3 SBVC) Belgium – 1 Brazil – 2 Ecuador – 1 Honduras – 1 CHC Indonesia – 1 Jamaica - 3 Kenya – 1 Korea – 4 (1 CHC, 3 SBVC) Kuwait – 2 (1 CHC, 1 SBVC) Lebanon – 1 CHC Nigeria – 2 Pakistan – 1 Romania – 1 South Africa – 1 Vietnam – 8
What are they majoring in? Administration of Justice -1 Aeronautics - 1 Art/Graphic Design – 2 Biology – 1 Business – 3 Chemistry -1 Child Development -1 Culinary Arts – 1 English – 1 Geography – 1 GIS -1 Liberal Arts – 5 Nursing – 3 Pre-Pharmacy - 1
International Student Revenue College SBVC$1,172.00$1,170.50$2,332.00$161, CHC$11,273.50$22,126.50$23,154.00$38, Marked increase in revenue for 2014 is attributed to data clean-up. Still have to clean up prior years.
Why a Community College? Changing Perceptions Before…. Community Colleges were: poorly understood. No equivalent in other countries. believed to be for the academically challenged or the poor; the place you go to if you weren’t good enough for a university; Now…. Community Colleges are: increasingly understood to be part of a pathway…. seen as a means of increasing an international students chances of success and acceptance at a four year university (quality education with smaller classes, early cultural immersion, cost allows for more time with less pressure);
Cost For Attending SBVC or CHC Cost For Attending CSU Cost For Attending UC Cost For Attending LLU Cost For Attending Cal Baptist Annual Attendance Costs Tuition/Fees$5,777*$15,472$37,714 Living Expenses$10,800 Books/Supplies$1,000$1,200$1,800 Health Insurance$828**$841Included Total Costs$18,405.00$28,313.00$50, *Based on $238/unit x 24 units and $65.00 annual fee to cover Campus Center, Health/Accident, Transportation, and Student Rep Fees **Based on $46/month for students 24 years of age and younger from ISO Student Health Plans
Allocation Model MUST have an allocation model! Sample Model 50% to College General Fund 20% to IS Program 5% Staff/Faculty Development 5% Service Augmentation (e.g. tutors) 20% Purchasing of Sections
Allocation Model Example
What International Recruiters Say is an Ideal Program Have pathway from High School to Community College to University with provisional guaranteed acceptance letters at each phase; Have intensive ESL program available the summer prior to start of fall term; Have provisional acceptance pending TOEFL score at end of intensive ESL program;
What International Recruiters Say is an Ideal Program Be certified by the American International Recruitment Council Be approved by the Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission (SACM) Accept Minors
Challenges Lack of Structures to Support International Students No IS Offices No trained/dedicated counselors 20%) Inconsistent/lack of documented processes No marketing No consistent tracking of students (Datatel or SEVIS) No tracking of funding Assessments can place students in up to 9 different levels of English No planning Marketing Recruitment Program
Progress to date: Have presented the state of IS to: Chancellor’s Cabinet Both College Councils and Academic and Classified Senates Met with Academic Senate Presidents to review where we are at and outline roadmap moving forward: Clean up and implement consistent data collection processes for IS; Ensure Homeland Security (SEVIS) compliance; Develop IS Orientation program; Establish IS Offices at both colleges; Establish funding for IS Counselor training; Develop relationships with International Recruiters and partner institutions; Start recruiting IS at a responsible and sustainable rate; Convene District-wide IS Advisory Committee in the fall to monitor progress and tackle issues as they arise.
Progress to date: Codifying processes behind International Student Applications, Counseling, and Orientation IS Student Related Services Visas Housing Transportation Activities Campus IS Offices (Secretary/Student Workers) Tracking of Students in both Datatel and SEVIS Tracking and Allocation of Funding Purchasing of Sections
Progress to date: Transfer Agreements Have MOU with CSUSB, University of Redlands, UCR, CalBaptist University Working on LLU Starting to meet with high schools Recruiting Agencies Have established relationships with about 10 recruiting agencies. Housing Plan Developing referral relationship with CORT – Finds housing and rents furnishings MOU with CSUSB Housing Developer Discussing possibilities with CHC Student Housing Development