| NI CONFIDENTIAL PACMAN & National Instruments | NI CONFIDENTIAL Feed back PACMAN NI contribution Next steps | NI CONFIDENTIAL PACMAN A project with long term vision Performance and cost Well organized New and fresh talents | NI CONFIDENTIAL National Instruments—Our Mission We equip engineers and scientists with tools that accelerate productivity, innovation, and discovery. | NI CONFIDENTIAL National Instruments worldwide Production: Austin Debrecen (vast majority of hardware production) Penang, Malaysia Logistic Centers Debrecen Japan Leading provider of computer-based measurement and automation technology 2013 revenue: $1.17B Founded:1976 NI Corporate: Austin, Texas, USA Approximately 7,100 employees More than 50 offices worldwide NI Austin NI Costa Rica NI Hungary NI Malaysia R&D Centers (more than 2000 employee): USA Canada Germany China India Romania Denmark Penang Hungary | NI CONFIDENTIAL National Instruments We equip engineers and scientists with tools that accelerate productivity, innovation, and discovery Non-GAAP Revenue: $301 M in Q Global Operations: Approximately 7,100 employees; operations in almost 50 countries Broad customer base: More than 35,000 companies served annually Diversity: No industry >15% of revenue Culture: Ranked among top 25 companies to work for worldwide by the Great Places to Work Institute Strong Cash Position: Cash and Short term investments of $393 M at December 31, 2013 Non-GAAP Revenue* in Millions Long-term track record of growth and profitability *A reconciliation of GAAP to non-GAAP results is available at | NI CONFIDENTIAL Direct Operations in More Than 50 Countries Global team of technical sales engineers Systems engineers to assist with reference and application designs Local technical support worldwide World-class NI services 700+ NI Alliance Partners worldwide | NI CONFIDENTIAL National Instruments in Hungary Debrecen - NI Hungary Ltd. Manufacturing started in 2001 in Debrecen More than 1000 employees 61st in revenue – nd biggest employer in Debrecen 4th biggest employer in the county 12th Best Place to Work in Hungary Budapest National Instruments Hungary Ltd Office opened in Budapest, Eastern European Sales and Marketing Center since Gives technical support to 13 countries Approximately 70 employees NIH Mission: Our mission is to enhance NI's global competitive advantage in the long term and create a better world around us by setting a good example. | NI CONFIDENTIAL Advance health informatics Engineer better medicines Enhance virtual reality Engineer the tools of scientific discovery Provide access to clean water Advance personalized learning Reverse-engineer the brain Make solar energy economical Provide energy from fusion Prevent nuclear terror Secure cyberspaceManage the nitrogen cycle Restore and improve urban infrastructure Develop carbon sequestration methods Engineering Grand Challenges IV Drift Pump Cheap Solar PanelsDistance Learning Hadron Collider Costa Rica Rain Forest Tokamak Plasma Control Material Monitoring Olympic Stadium Safety Cancer Detection Advanced Purification CO 2 Storage Spectral Monitoring Infant Brain Scans Haptics | NI CONFIDENTIAL What We Do We provide graphical software with modular hardware to build measurement and control systems. Low-Cost Modular Measurement and Control Hardware Productive Software Development Tools Highly Integrated Systems Platforms | NI CONFIDENTIAL Graphical System Design A platform-based approach for measurement and control Alkalmazások Összekapcsolható külső I/O-val | NI CONFIDENTIAL Integration of Modular I/O and Commercial Technology Box InstrumentsPXI Modular Instruments VS. | NI CONFIDENTIAL The Dilemma: Build or Buy? Advantages Custom HW/SW solution Maximum flexibility Ability to get exactly what you want Disadvantages Long lead times for new product Significant resource requirements Higher life-cycle costs Build Advantages Off-the-shelf HW/SW solution Use fewer resources because systems are pre-built Shorter time to market Lower life-cycle costs Disadvantages Often pay for much more than you need Limited flexibility Limited functionality Buy | NI CONFIDENTIAL Az NI megközelítése ötvözi az egyedi tervezés előnyeit a minőségi, kereskedelemben elérhető dobozos műszerekkel, hogy vásárlóink KIVITELEZÉS helyett INNOVÁCIÓRA tudjanak fókuszálni. The advantage of Buy and the flexibility of Build The Dilemma: Build or Buy? | NI CONFIDENTIAL One Platform | NI CONFIDENTIAL Highly Productive LabVIEW Graphical Programming Environment for Programming Host, FPGA, I/O, and Bus Interfaces NI CompactRIO Modular I/O for Any Signal FPGA Processor Integrated Hardware and Software Platform Magas szintű szoftver Rugalmas hardver | NI CONFIDENTIAL Empowering Users Through Software From Student Design to Controlling the World’s Most Complex Machine LEGO ® MINDSTORMS ® NXT “the smartest, coolest toy of the year” CERN Large Hadron Collider “the most powerful instrument on Earth” | NI CONFIDENTIAL more than 1000 employees in 13 departments >400 employees with university degree >60 R&D engineers 32 is the average age Yearly more than 50 intern position for university students 35% women of our employees 23% women in our Senior Management Team | NI CONFIDENTIAL NI Hungary Ltd. in education Elementary SchoolsHigh SchoolsUniversities NI Mentor Program Classes, Seminars Reference Laboratory: Kazincbarcika, Debrecen Thesis writing and summer internships VISUAL Thinking – LabVIEW programming competition NI Paper contest NI myDAQ paper contest Program established in 2009: 38 mentor teach LEGO Robot and LabVIEW programming in 50 schools in 2013 | NI CONFIDENTIAL Next steps Visit at Debrecen Hungary Use the open lab | NI CONFIDENTIAL
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