An overview of the Revalidated BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy Course
Level 4. (Semester 1) History and philosophy of OT Concepts and theories of occupation incl. OT process The use of occupation as a medium Activity analysis Assessment & treatment Communication in a therapeutic relationship Impact of disability on function Carer issues Occupation, health and well being Reflection Impact of the environment Foundations of Occupational Therapy Inter-professional learning Anatomy for Occupation Practice Learning (placement 1) Enabling Occupation Mind and Mental Health Electives
Level 4. (Semester 1) Communication and learning styles Anti oppressive practice Professionalism Introduction to research methodology Literature searching Literature appraisal Foundations of Occupational Therapy Inter-professional learning Anatomy for Occupation Practice learning (placement 1) Enabling Occupation Mind and Mental Health Electives
Level 4. (Semester 1) Planes of motion. Synovial joints ; classification, structure and function Movement analysis Upper limb/hand; structure and function Hip and Knee Joints (Lower limb) Muscle groups and their actions Introduction to peripheral nervous system Range of activities; applied anatomy( self care, transfers, mobility, grip function etc) Anatomy and Lifespan ; child development/Ageing process Illness & lifestyle issues Foundations of Occupational Therapy Inter-professional learning Anatomy for Occupation Practice Learning (placement 1) Enabling Occupation Mind and Mental Health Electives
Level 4. Placement preparation: Taking responsibility for own learning inc. supervision process and writing SMART learning objectives, reflection and introduction to PDP Placement from an educator's perspective Manual Handling training 7 weeks Jan-mid Feb. Pass/Fail grade awarded Foundations of Occupational Therapy Inter-professional learning Anatomy for Occupation Practice Learning (placement 1) Enabling Occupation Mind and Mental Health Electives
Level 4. Key OT theory, models & approaches. Observation, assessment & intervention strategies. Relevant current social policy & legislation Selected medical conditions & their impact on the individual Locating, analysing and applying relevant information. Clinical reasoning & problem solving in practice. Foundations of Occupational Therapy Inter-professional learning Anatomy for Occupation Practice Learning (placement 1) Enabling Occupation Mind and Mental Health Electives
Level 4. Key occupational, biological, psychological & sociological factors. Key mental health conditions. Impact of conditions on individual functioning. Therapeutic approaches Key people, services & settings. Inter-professional learning Foundations of Occupational Therapy Enabling Occupation Anatomy for Occupation Practice Learning (placement 1) Mind and Mental Health Electives
Level 4. Adapting the home environment. Complexities in mental health OT & health promotion OT & musculoskeletal disorders OT with children OT with people with learning disabilities Orthotics & hand therapy Vocational rehabilitation Inter-professional learning Foundations of Occupational Therapy Enabling Occupation Anatomy for Occupation Practice Learning (placement 1) Mind and Mental Health Electives
Practical skills sessions run in the first semester as part of placement preparation Interviewing techniques e.g. initial interviews Risk assessment The use of walking aids/wheelchairs Use of bath/shower equipment Dressing equipment and basic techniques of dressing Functional difficulties with eating and drinking Note taking Relaxation techniques Listening skills Manual handling training Professionalism
Level 5. Groupwork for OT Practice and Reasoning (placement 2) Ageing and Occupation Function, Adjustment and Wellbeing Inter-professional learning Electives Theory & practice of groupwork. Group roles. Types of groups e.g., educational, creative. Group dynamics. Verbal & non-verbal communication. Planning groups Group facilitation. Use of self.
Level 5. Groupwork for OT Practice and Reasoning (placement 2) Ageing and Occupation Function, Adjustment and Wellbeing Inter-professional learning Electives Placement prep: Clinical reasoning Reflective writing Learning Objectives Manual Handling Training 10 weeks Oct- Christmas 2 components; Pass/Fail grade awarded Students complete a written assignment (case study) that is marked by university tutors.
Level 5. Groupwork for OT Practice and Reasoning (placement 2) Ageing and Occupation Function, Adjustment and Wellbeing Inter-professional learning Electives Factors impacting on a person’s experience of ageing. Key features of a range of conditions Therapeutic programmes and community resources Key people, services & settings
Level 5. Groupwork for OT Practice and Reasoning (placement 2) Ageing and Occupation Function, Adjustment and Wellbeing Inter-professional learning Electives Basic sciences e.g. neuro-anatomy Range of complex conditions that impact on function Relevant models & approaches Range of assessments & treatment interventions Evaluation of long term treatment
Level 5. Groupwork for OT Practice and Reasoning (placement 2) Ageing and Occupation Function, Adjustment and Wellbeing Inter-professional learning Electives Quality processes Team working Communication in teams Client centred care Professional communication Exploration of dilemmas in practice Research methods, design & analysis Critical appraisal Research governance
Level 5. Groupwork for OT Practice and Reasoning (placement 2) Ageing and Occupation Function, Adjustment and Wellbeing Inter-professional learning Electives Adapting the home environment. Complexities in mental health OT & health promotion OT & musculoskeletal disorders OT with children OT with people with learning disabilities Orthotics & hand therapy Vocational rehabilitation Neurological Rehabilitation (level 5 only)
Level 6 Extended research proposal Primary research project - Qualitative Primary research project - Quantitative Extended literature review Dissertation Independent study Toward autonomous practice Inter-professional learning Integrated Learning in Practice (placement 3)
Level 6 Students are given the opportunity to explore in depth an area of practice of interest to them. Autonomous learning methods used as preparation for autonomous practice Dissertation Independent study Toward autonomous practice Inter-professional learning Integrated Learning in Practice (placement 3)
Level 6 Recruitment and selection Current issues in practice Critical reflection on own development Making transition from student to practitioner Opportunities for new ways of working Dissertation Independent study Toward autonomous practice Inter-professional learning Integrated Learning in Practice (placement 3)
Level 6 Transition into practice Effective team working Supervision Current inter professional issues Leadership Ethical issues Health and social care issues CPD Dissertation Independent study Toward autonomous practice Inter-professional learning Integrated Learning in Practice (placement 3)
Level 6 12 weeks mid Feb-mid May 2 components; Pass/Fail grade awarded Students complete a written assignment (evidence based practice) that is marked by university tutors. Dissertation Independent study Toward autonomous practice Inter-professional learning Integrated Learning in Practice (placement 3)
Part time No separate part time route in new course. Students can go part time following completion of level 4 This is negotiated and dependent on clear reasons for decision and subject to agreement from commissioners. They will take modules with the full time route over a longer period.