Promotion in Enterprises: What can companies do to support women in SET careers? Examples from the UK
Who we are…how we came about…why we can do what we do we work with girls and women and employers and STEM and schools and colleges… WISE - Get involved Centre for Science Education at Sheffield Hallam University
Enabling choice - in 2009 (EHRC) 75% of working women were still found in the 5 Cs Tackling the gender pay gap - in 2008 the gender pay gap was 11% for SET professionals (UKRC). In HE in 2011 the median gender pay gap was 20.3% (ECU) Maximising women’s potential, Responding to skills shortages, Building the UK economy McKinsey research (2010) shows that while leaders of corporations recognise the impact of gender diversity on business performance, this belief does not translate into actions. Meeting legal obligations The context in the UK
The Royal Air Force Driving force of improving long term recruitment from a demographic that no longer represents society Improving diversity also improves capability of RAF to operate across the world Research to understand the issues and development of a plan Gender recruitment strategy to work in partnership with experts - UKRC, WISE and WiSET Influencing supply chain Gender champion to drive the process Strategic and long term
North Energy Associates Lead from the top - Female director Hosting flexible women returner placements and transfer into real jobs Providing role models and ambassadors Encouraging ongoing CPD for female staff Small company - support and promotion
The key points Ensure top down commitment Build improvements that fit with organisational needs Develop a plan and draw on support Monitor and evaluate
8.7% of the UK Engineering Profession are women. Where do we come in the list of 28 European countries surveyed? a) 14th b) 20th c) 28th (ie lowest percentage in Europe)
*Figures are statistically less reliable hence need to be treated with caution Source: UKRC’s analysis of the European Labour Force Survey (2007)
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