By Marcos Suarez
A. “I'm a black belt and also a Sempai, which is senior student also known as a instructor.” A black belt is received for the highest level of training.
A. “It is typically stylistic and not full contact. We do sparring but at the same time we like to focus on the art and let the training work for itself. We don’t want people getting hurt.” Katas are a traditional series of moves.
A. “I've been with Go No Sen since the beginning. I learned from Renshi Adam McCauley since I was 6 years old.”
A. “We have 400+ Students in Go No Sen in karate not counting the 100+ in kick boxing.” A dojo is a place where martial arts training takes place.
A. “We have about 4 head instructors along with 15 paid and volunteer assistants.” A. “I would say we have about 30 black belts that are currently training, 10 senseis and probably about 130 black belts since the beginning of the school.”
A. It’s a classical Okinawa type of karate. It originated in Okinawa, Japan. It’s a style that is similar to Shotokan but also has a blend of Chinese art some what straight and somewhat circular.”
A. “When I got into the art I was 6 years old. To be honest, my father choose it for me, but I choose to stick with it because I found it practical fun. It is something that can get me in shape while keeping me safe.”
A. “I Studied under Renshi Adam McCauley, who is at the dojo now. He studied under Caceoshe Amene, who studied under Tieka and from that point that’s history.
A. “Its not about a belt. It’s about what you know. Don’t let your ego get in the way, focus on your forms, focus on your training, let your self get better, and the rest will follow.”
A. “First and foremost confidence I want them to be comfortable in their ability but I want them to walk tall in life itself. I want them to learn not only defensive skills but also life skills.”