Israeli-Palestinian Peace Summit Proposed by World Leaders Ashley Liss, Jeremy Smith, Franco Gigliotti, Karishma Patel, and Mark Biedlingmaier Ban Ki Moon Hilary ClintonGordon Brown
Peace Summit Peace Between the fighting nations. Jerusalem will be split up – Each side will gain the territory holiest to them Occupied territory that Israelis acquired will be turn into an official Palestine state. West Bank will no longer exist. Israelis will receive northern part of Israel. Palestinians will receive Southern part of Israel.
Stability A more stable economy will result if the conflict is resolved. The Middle East needs to have stability in order to control oil reserves. A stable government could solve disputes.
Interdependence US and Great Britain as well as many other countries around the globe depend on Oil Reserves in the Middle East. Ban Ki Moon feels that the Israeli-Palestinian struggle creates outside conflict as well. – Resolving the Conflict in this particular area will most likely result in peace throughout neighboring nations such as Lebanon, Syria, Iran and Iraq.
Security Security is needed to protect the citizens of Israel and other conflicted countries. Security is needed to control the waterways of the Middle East. – Jordan River
Boarders and Settlements Boarders should separate Israelis from Palestinians. The boarders should not be crossed to avoid conflict. Settlements should occur only in directed boarder. Ex. Palestinians should only settle on their side of the boarder while Israelis should stay on their own side as well. “Israeli settlement building anywhere on occupied land is illegal and must be stopped.” -Ban Ki Moon
Security Security is needed for peace of the residents in Israel. Security is possible with the prevention of crossing boarder lines. Waterways such as the Jordan River need security in order to avoid conflict between opposing countries.
Refugees Refugees should return back to ethnic land to avoid additional conflict. Ex. Captive Israelis in Palestinian territory should be released into new directed territory for Israelis. There is no point in keeping refugees because it will create more conflict.
Jerusalem Palestinians will get the sections that are holy to their belief. Israelis will get the sections that are holy to their belief. – Dome of the Rock No crossing of Territories in Jerusalem.
Changes Israelis and Palestinians need to work with us in order to compromise peace. Terrorist attacks need to stop. Hatred between Palestinians and Israelis needs to diminish.
Compromises May be willing to compromise additional territory. – Golan Hights, Gaza Strip, and West bank. Willing to return West Bank if citizens are cooperating.
Enforcement If more terrorist attacks occur we will permanently send in military and security to control hazards. If attacks continue while enforcement is there, severe punishments will be the result. Depending on condition of attack, punishments might be death, jail time, ect. UN has the right to look over all new governments.