Effective Leadership BDP301
Effective Leadership Every leader has a personal leadership style. At one end of the scale there is the goal oriented leader who just wants to get the job done At the other end of the scale is the people oriented leader who is most concerned about the satisfaction of the people involved in achieving the goals
Autocratic Leaders These leaders are entirely goal oriented They make all the decisions Expect employees to do as they’re told Lack confidence in their employees and believe if they don’t make the decisions personally, the job won’t be done right E.g of Autocratic Leader: Kim Jong Il Kim Jong Il
Democratic Leaders Encourage employees to participate in the decision making process Share/delegate the authority to other individuals to help make decisions Create an atmosphere of trust amongst mangers and employees E.g. of a democratic leader: Dwight D. Eisenhower As a military leader Eisenhower had to get the Allies to agree on a military strategy. He worked really hard making sure everyone had their own input and agreed upon the final strategy to be used. The success of the Allies during WW2 helped prove this leadership style was an effective one.
Collegial Leaders Are democratic leaders who tend to regard everyone as an equal, rather than in a hierarchy They use team decision making and show a high level of loyalty to their employees They respect the skills of every person on the team E.g. Hank Scorpio from The Simpsons Hank Scorpio Hank Scorpio
Laissez-faire leaders These leaders ignore the specifics of a task or job and concentrate on giving employees the freedom to determine what needs to be done and to figure out how to do it E.g Warren Buffett has this style of leadership, letting the CEOs of his many companies use their own leadership styles. It seems to be working! At 84 Warren Buffett is still on top of his game and is the second richest American with an estimated worth of 72 billion $
All Leaders Must... Regardless of their style, all leaders must: Motivate others: reward their employees appropriately and let them know what they do is meaningful and worthwhile Facilitate Communication: Men and women who excel in any field are good communicators. This could be verbal, written and/or artistic communication Resolving Conflict: Managers often have to mediate when conflict arises. Effective leaders must listen to both sides and solve conflicts so progress is not hindered.
Who here is a good leader? Leader challenge activity for E bucks!