Orcas Miles O`Donohoe
introduction Hey guys what is the number 1 star at Captivity-aquarium what is cute but not a kitten what is a killer but not a shark? …Orca yes yes I’m an orca did you know? Meet me at physical appearance please.
Physical Appearance I’m mostly black and a little white near the eyes and tail. My stomach and bottom of my fins are black there like hands.
Habitat Giant lakes big oceans Atlantic ocean artic ocean Indian ocean Pacific Ocean and southern sea, the red part of the map of where we live.
Birth and Babies Orcas have babies near the air because when the babies are born they need air or they will die. Orcas also give birth tail first.
Food and Hunting Ok I’m hungry so lets go to the buffet. This is what I like: I like seals, whales, sharks also the great white shark is very yummy. Anyway back to what I eat – fish, plankton, squid, giant squid, octopus, poison octopus, narwhales, and penguins.
Survival and Adaptations Us orcas live in groups called pods there like family they hunt together play together and help each other just like your family.
Conclusion Well now you know what my life is about so anyway did I ever say that We are the biggest dolphin and we are In danger? Treat me and my friends nice and DON’T put us in captivity thank you for visiting me come again. P.S. do NOT be a whaler. That will cry very hard a person that kills me and my friends and I’m not telling you to cry very hard don’t do that to us. Also if I told you to cry very hard that will be weird ok bye bye now.
About the author Miles is 8 years old he lives In New York City he loves riding his scooter and takes martial arts and all my books and a rock fell on my car. What I like and dislike. Bobs candy rush. The sleepover. And your reading orcas orcas orcas Ps he loves orcas so much that he has an orca stuffed animal.