Chapter 7 Recreation LOGO learning Contents Learning Objectives Pre-Class Activities In-class Learning After-class Learning  Section.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 7 Recreation

LOGO learning Contents Learning Objectives Pre-Class Activities In-class Learning After-class Learning  Section 1  Section 2  Section 3  Section 4

LOGO Section 1 learning Objectives  Chinese local opera  Comparing Chinese and Western recreational activities  Skills on tourism conference SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 1

LOGO Section 2 Pre-class Activities Introduction to Peking Opera SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 1

LOGO Section 2 Pre-class Activities  China has more than 360 kinds of local operas which are the most ancient forms of theater that still flourish today. Opera combines acting, singing, poetry, dialogue, and acrobatics. Peking Opera is regarded as the national opera in China and called “Daxi” (drama with complicated plots) for it has a long history and a complete system of stage performance. Other local operas are called “Xiaoxi” (drama with a simple plot), usually developed from singing and story-telling mixed with folk songs and dances.  Peking Opera is purely Chinese opera form which dates back to the year At that year, four local opera troupes of Anhui Province came to Beijing on a performance tour at the order of the imperial court. The tour was a hit and the troupes stayed. The artists absorbed the tunes of the Hubei local opera and drew on the best of Kunqu opera, Qinqiang opera and Hebei Bangzi and other local operas. SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 1

LOGO Section 2 Pre-class Activities Facial Make-ups( 脸谱 )  For the painted role, the different colors of the faces represent different characters and personalities. Generally Speaking, red signifies honesty, courage, and bravery. Purple does the same but to a less degree. Black indicates fairness, faith, wisdom, and sometimes rudeness. Blue stands for cruelness and fierceness, and sometimes arrogance. Yellow symbolizes the same negative characters as blue. Green is the colour of an unstable character. SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 1

LOGO Section 2 Pre-class Activities Types of Roles  “Sheng”, “Dan”, “Jing”, and “Chou” are just the terms for four different types of roles. Sheng is the positive male role, Dan is the positive female role, Jing is a supporting male role with striking character, and Chou is the clown. Every type has its telltale facial make-up and decoration. SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 1

LOGO Section 2 SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 1 Questions: What are Daxi and Xiaoxi? What do different facial make-ups represent? What are the four types of roles in Peking Opera?

LOGO Section 3 Situational Dialogue Dialogue One: Watching Peking Opera Peter Sara: a visiting scholar to ABC University. Miss Zhang: a secretary of the Foreign Affairs Office (FAO) of the university. SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 1

LOGO Situational Dialogue Miss Zhang: Good morning, Peter. Guess what I’ve got? I’ve got some tickets of Peking Opera! Do you want to go with me? Peter: Great! My friend told me that Peking Opera is a must if you really want to know about China. Miss Zhang: Yes. Peking Opera is also called national opera of China. It is the quintessence of Chinese culture. Some foreigners call it “Chinese ballet”. It features colorful costumes, elaborate make-ups, and stylized gestures. Peter: What are the main characteristics of its performing art? Can we foreigners understand it? SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 1

LOGO Miss Zhang: Basically, there are four elements of the performance: dialogue, singing, acting and acrobatic fighting. Peter: What kind of themes are usually reflected in the opera? Miss Zhang: It used to draw its themes from historical episodes and figures, or folk legends and fairytales. Tonight we’re going to watch Monkey King. Peter Sounds interesting. It’s quite different from Western operas. Miss Zhang: You are right. I’ll explain more to you while we’re watching. Peter: OK. SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 1

LOGO Situational Dialogue ( In the theater, the performance does not start yet.) Miss Zhang: Peter , this opera is being performed by the China Peking Opera Troupe, one of the best in the country. Peter I’m glad that you invite me to watch the opera here. It’s really amazing, and Peking Opera is a combination of many art forms: traditional amazing, and Peking Opera is much more than an opera. Miss Zhang: Yes, Peking Opera is a combination of many art forms: traditional Chinese music, poetry, pantomime, acrobatics, martial arts, dancing, singing, as well as elaborate costumes and make-ups. Peter: WOW! It really calls for careful study. SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 1

LOGO Situational Dialogue Miss Zhang: Peking Opera can be divided into civil plays and military plays. Monkey King belongs to the military play, and the most attractive part in it is the acrobatic fighting which shows Peking Opera as one of the most dynamic forms of theater in the world. Peter : Sure. I have heard that Monkey King is one of the best- known classical Chinese novels, full of Chinese fables, fairytales, legends, popular belief and monster stories. Miss Zhang: Oh, Peter, you really know something about Chinese culture. One day you may be an expert on it. SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 1

LOGO Situational Dialogue Peter: Ha-ha, I just read the brochure before we entered the theater. Would you please give me an “orientation” before the show so that I can understand more? What is the main plot of the story Monkey King? Miss Zhang: Monkey King includes three plays that draw on the fables of the Journey to the West, the greatest of all Chinese myth cycles. These three tales follow Monkey King Sun Wukong, a magically powerful but extremely mischievous “ superhero”, as he accompanies the Buddhist monk Xuanzang on his journey to India to seek the Buddhist scriptures. Peter: I see. Will the play start soon? Miss Zhang: I think so. Ah, here it goes. SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 1

LOGO SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 1 New words and expressions : the quintessence of sth 典范 精华 精粹 pantomime 形体动作, 手势 martial art 武术 civil play 文戏 military play 武戏 costume 服装,戏装 elaborate adj. 精心制作的 make-up 化妆 legend 传说 传奇 cycle (叙述某一英雄或表现某一主题的)全套故事 mischievous 淘气的 scripture 经文 fairytale 神话故事

Text Part A Beijing Opera Originally a form of local theatre, Peking Opera spreadPeking Opera spread all over the country and then became the national opera of China 1 China 1. About 200 years ago, the Qing Emperor Qianlong toured in southern China and developed an interest in the local operas. On his 80th birthday, he let local opera troupes come to Beijing to perform for him. Some remained in Beijing after the celebration. The ones from Anhui and Hubei were incorporated with the palace opera -Kunqu Opera 2, which formed the Peking Opera.Peking Opera combines stylized acting with singing, dancing, musical dialogues, martial arts, colorful facial make-up and fantastic costumes 3. Female roles are called as“Dan”, Male roles are “Sheng”, Painted faces are “Jin” and clowns are “Chou”.4 Each role, according to their sex, age and disposition, is characterized by different designs of facial make-up,5 say, JingThe ones from Anhui and Hubei were incorporated with the palace opera -Kunqu Opera 2Peking Opera.Peking Opera combines stylized acting with singing, dancing, musical dialogues, martial arts, colorful facial make-up and fantastic costumes 3Female roles are called as“Dan”, Male roles are “Sheng”, Painted faces are “Jin” and clowns are “Chou”.4 Each role, according to their sex, age and disposition, is characterized by different designs of facial make-up,5 SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 1

representing a rough, frank character and Hua Face representing a cruel or sinister character. So the audience can easily tell what kind of character an actor is performing. Facial make-up, costumes and head - dresses are wonderful works of traditional art. Guangdong opera It is one of the major categories in Chinese opera, originating in southern China’s Cantonese culture. It is popular in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore, and Malaysia. As in all versions of Chinese opera, it is a traditional Chinese art form, involving music, singing, martial arts, acrobatics, and acting. Guangdong Province, Hong Kong and Macao are jointly trying to get UN recognition of Guangdong opera as intangible World Heritage 6. An official application has been handed get UN recognition of Guangdong opera as intangible World Heritage 6 SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 1

Henan Opera : It is commonly called "Henan bangzi". Henan Opera is popular among the provinces or regions of Henan, Hebei, Shandong, Shanxi, Hubei, Ningxia, Xinjing, and so on, making it one of the most influential operas in China. Instruments such as the banhu, erhu, sanxian, pipa, dizi, sheng, and suona, and so on always accompany Henan Opera. SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 1

Vocabulary SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 1 troupe 一团、一班 incorporate 合并的,公司组织的 costume 服装,剧装 clown 小丑,粗鲁愚昧的人 disposition 性情,处置 sinister 不吉利的,凶恶的 category 种类,类别 martial 军事的,战争的 recognition 认出,承认 intangible 难以明了的,无形的

Notes(1) 1. Peking Opera spread all over the country and then became the national opera of China 京剧风靡全国并成为中国的国剧。京剧是中国的 “ 国粹 ” ,历史上曾有皮黄、 二黄、黄腔、京调、京戏、平剧、国剧等称谓。 2. The ones from Anhui and Hubei were incorporated with the palace opera – Kunqu Opera. 来自安徽和湖北的地方戏剧与宫廷剧 - 昆曲相融合 3. Peking Opera combines stylized acting with singing, dancing, musical dialogues, martial arts, colorful facial make-up and fantastic costumes. 京剧表演融合了唱、念、作、打等多种艺术表现形式,辅以五彩缤纷的服装 道具以及化妆。 4. Female roles are called as“Dan”, Male roles are “Sheng”, and clowns are “Chou”. 在京剧中,女性的角色被称做 “ 旦 ” ,男性的角色被称做 “ 生 ” ,小丑被称做 “ 丑 ” SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 1

Notes(2) 5. Each role, according to their sex, age and disposition, is characterized by different designs of facial make-up 每个角色都会依照他们的性别、 年龄及个性,在脸上画不同的脸谱 6. to get UN recognition of Guangdong opera as intangible World Heritage 努力促使广东粤剧成为得到联合国认可的世界无形文化遗产 7. It is commonly called "Henan bangzi.“Henan bangzi 豫剧通常被人们称作 “ 河南梆子 ” 8. Instruments such as the banhu, erhu, sanxian, pipa, dizi, sheng, anderhupipadizi suona, and so on always accompany Henan Opera. 豫剧的演奏乐器包括板胡、二胡、三弦、琵琶、笛子、笙和唢呐等等 SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 1

Part A Exercises (1)How did the Peking Opera form? (2) What does Peking Opera combine stylized acting with? (3) How many major types of character roles in Beijing Opera? 1. Answer the following questions, according to the text. Peking Opera combines stylized acting with singing, dancing, musical dialogues, martial arts, colorful facial make-up and fantastic costumes. About 200 years ago, the local opera from Anhui and Hubei were incorporated with the palace opera -Kunqu Opera, which formed the Peking Opera Female roles are called as“Dan”, Male roles are “Sheng”, Painted faces are “Jin” and clowns are “Chou”. SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1

(4) At present, what are HK and Macau governments trying to do for Cantonese Opera? (5) What are the major musical instruments accompanied in Henan Opera? Hong Kong and Macao are jointly trying to get UN recognition of Guangdong opera as intangible World Heritage. An official application has been handed in. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Instruments such as the banhu, erhu, sanxian, pipa, dizi, sheng, and suona, and so on always accompany Henan Opera. _______________________________________________________ SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 5SEC 1SEC 6SEC 7 SEC 8

2. Translate the following passage into Chinese. The Chinese drama mainly include opera and modern Chinese drama (Huaju). Different from our traditional Chinese opera, Huaju was not introduced into China until the 20th century. Opera is an important part of Chinese culture. It won fans of all dynasties for its enchanting form of performance. Answer SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 1 中国戏剧主要包括戏曲和话剧:戏曲是中国固有的传统戏剧,话剧则 是 20 世纪引进的西方戏剧形式。中国古典戏曲是中华民族文化的一个重要 组成部分,她以富于艺术魅力的表演形式,为历代人民群众所喜闻乐见。

Part A 3. Translate the following passage into English. 常香玉,豫剧表演艺术家,被誉为 “ 豫剧皇后 ” 。常香玉 1922 年出生, 先 是跟着父亲学戏, 13 岁因成功主演《西厢记》开始走红戏剧舞台。她塑造 的艺术形象众多,从古代女将军一直演到人民公社里的老百姓。她最走红 的剧目之一《花木兰》,把一个一千五百年前的传奇女英雄展现在万千观 众的眼前。 Answer SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 1 Chinese Henan opera actress Chang Xiangyu, hailed as the "queen of Henan opera,"was born in 1923, she first learned Henan opera under her father and won stage fame at the age of 13, when she acted the part of a lively maid in The Story of West Chamber. She went on to portray dozens of characters varying from an ancient woman general to a commoner in a people's commune. Hua Mulan, one of her best appreciated operas, depicts a legendary heroine from around 1,500 years ago

Part B Huangmei Opera Huangmei Opera, formerly named Huangmei Melodies, has a history of 200 years. It originated in the tea-collecting songs in the region of Huangmei, Hubei Province, it incorporates the folk songs in Anhui, Hubei and Jiangxi Province. It takes the best parts of ancient Qingyang Melody and came into being around the area of Anqing, Anhui Province. Huangmei Opera excels in expressing people's feelings and various personalities. It is not only loved by local people, but by international friends as well. SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 1

Part B Sichuan opera Sichuan opera is one of the Chinese oldest local operas and is popular in Sichuan province and some regions of Yunnan and Guizhou provinces. It is the most significant and most interesting opera form from Southwestern China. As a stage entertainment, it conveys the idea of time and space to the audience through performances. The opera is characterized by its unique solo singing, refined acting, and also its unique skills: the changing faces, spitting fire, and rolling light. SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 1

Part B The face changing, or "bianlian" in Chinese, is an important intangible cultural heritage in China. only a few masters have grasped this skill. they know how to change Sichuan opera masks in magically quick succession. As they flourish their arms and twist their heads, their painted masks change again and again and again, which is considered to be a magic. SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 1

Part B Vocabulary incorporate [ in'k ɔ :pəreit ] a. excel [ ik'sel ] v. significant [ sig'nifikənt ] a. convey [ kən'vei ] v. solo [ 'səuləu ] a. refined [ ri'faind ] a. spit [ spit ] n. succession [ sək'se ʃ ən ] n. flourish [ 'fl ʌ ri ʃ ] v. magic [ 'mæd ʒ ik ] n. 合并的, 公司组织的 胜过, 优于, 擅长 有意义的, 相当数量的 传达, 运输, 转移 单独的 精炼的, 优雅的, 精细的 唾液, 小雨 连续 繁荣, 茂盛, 活跃 魔法, 魔术 SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 1

返回 Notes(1) 1. Huangmei Opera, formerly named Huangmei Melodies. 黄梅戏从前也叫黄梅调 2. It originated in the tea-collecting songs in the region of Huangmei. 它起源于湖北黄梅地区的采茶调 3. It takes the best parts of ancient Qingyang Melody. 它汲取了古老的青阳唱腔中的精髓。黄梅戏唱腔委婉清新,分花腔和 平词两大类。花腔以演小戏为主,富有浓厚的生活气息和民歌风味, 平词是正本戏中最主要的唱腔,常用于大段叙述,抒情,听起来委婉 悠扬,有 " 梁祝 " 、 " 天仙配 " 等。 4.excels in expressing people's feelings and various personalities. 它以擅长抒发人物情感和刻画人物性格而见长。 SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 1

返回 Notes(2) 5. The opera is characterized by its unique solo singing, refined acting, and also its unique skills : the changing faces, spitting fire, and rolling light. 这一剧种具有独特的演唱风格和细腻的表演,同时还拥有特殊的表演 技巧,如:变脸、喷火和滚灯等等。变脸是川剧表演艺术的特殊技巧 之一。它是剧中人物内心思想感情的一种浪漫主义表现手法。变脸的 方法大体分为三种 -- 抹脸、吹脸、扯脸。 6. The face changing, or "Bianlian" in Chinese, is an important intangible cultural heritage in China. 变脸是中国一项重要的非物质文化遗产。 2006 年 5 月 20 日,经国务院 批准列入第 一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。 7. …how to change Sichuan opera masks in magically quick succession. 如何在一瞬间连续神奇地变出各种川剧的脸谱 SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 1

Part B Exercises (1)What’s the origin of Huangmei Opera? (2) What are the famous works of Huangmei Opera? Could you tell who are the most popular actresses for Huangmei Opera? 1. Answer the following questions. It originated in the tea-collecting songs in the region of Huangmei, Hubei Province. Some excellent operas of Huangmei Opera include: The Heavenly Maid and the Mortal, Goddess' Marriage, and Emperor's Female Son- in-law. The most popular actress include Miss Yanfengying, Wuqiong and Malan etc. SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 1

Part B (3) What are the typical performing features of Sichuan Opera? (4) Would you please introduce some unique skills in Sichuan Opera? (5) Have you ever enjoyed the performance of Face-changing in Sichuan Opera? How many things do you know about it? The opera is characterized by its unique solo singing, refined acting. Its unique skills include: the changing faces, spitting fire, and rolling light. SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 1

Part B 2. Translate the following passage into Chinese. Huangmei opera is a kind of local operas in Anhui province. It is also one of those five main operas of our nation. It has assimilated many coloratura tunes and ditties such as tea-picking songs, fishing songs and woodsmen’s songs, and then it was becoming mature. The representative program is “The Heavenly Maid and the Mortal”. Huangmei opera was named after the Huangmei hill (Huaining county) where the opera originated and matured. Answer SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 1 黄梅戏是安徽地方戏曲剧种之一, 也是全国五大剧种之一, 吸收民间茶 歌、渔歌、樵歌等花腔小调而发展成熟, 旋律轻快优美。代表剧目有《天 仙配》。因主要曲调起源于怀宁黄梅山而得名。

Part B 3. Translate the following passage into English. 过去人们常常把民间歌曲和舞蹈叫做 : 花鼓戏、采茶戏 ( 舞者左手持茶篮, 右手持纸扇表演的民间舞蹈 ) 、花灯戏 ( 地方戏曲 ) 、秧歌戏 ( 民间舞蹈 ) 和彩 调戏 ( 地方戏曲 ) 。这些歌曲都是在民乐的基础上发展而来的,而戏曲源自 地方流传的曲调。 Answer SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 1 Folk singing and dancing were usually called "huaguxi" (flower-drum dance), caichaxi" (folk dance in which the dancer carries a basket for holding tea-leaves in the left hand and a fan in the right), "huadengxi" (local opera), "yanggexi" (folk dance) and "caidiaoxi" (local opera). The melodies are based on folk songs, and opera music comes from tunes popular in the local area.

Part B 4. Search online. Please search on line for more information about the other Chinese local operas, such as: Kun opera, shanghai Yue Opera etc. And share your findings with your classmates. SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 1

Part C opera fan a national treasure. Scene Drama Plot Monologue Melody Convey traditional theatrical pieces episode (a play) in three acts and five scenes 戏迷 国粹 场景 戏曲 情节 ] 独角戏 悦耳的音调 表达 传统剧目 插曲 三幕五场 Supplement to the Word Bank SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 1

Part C rehearsal chief actress chief actor to present on the stage playwright historical play 排演 女主角 男主角 搬上舞台 剧作家 历史剧 Supplement to the Word Bank SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 1

Part C 1. Peking opera has the characteristics of “comprehensiveness”, “formality”, and “symbolism”. 京剧讲究 “ 综合性 ” 、 “ 形式化 ” 、 “ 象征意义 ” 2. Peking opera has a lot of acrobatic combat. 京剧有很多的打戏 3. Peking opera has its unique performing style. 京剧有其独特的表演风格 4. Peking opera is the most influential and representative of all operas in China. 京剧是中国最有影响力和代表性的剧种 Useful Expressions SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 1

Part C Useful Expressions 5. Peking opera. has some classical operas, such as: The King Bids Farewell to his Concubine, The Crossroads, The White Snake, The Phoenix Returns to its Nest. Etc. 京剧有很多代表性的经典剧目,如:霸王别姬、三岔口、白蛇传、凤 还巢等。 6. Meilanfang is one of the famous performers who plays the female lead. 梅兰芳是京剧表演中著名的男扮女装(角色反串)演员 。 7. there are now Beijing opera fans all over the world. 京剧的爱好者遍及全世界。 8. Beijing opera can be divided into the military plays and the singing plays. 京剧分为文戏和武戏。 SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 1

Part C Useful Expressions 9. Chinese traditional drama is thought to have come into being in the Han Dynasty and became a true art form in the Song Dynasty. 通常认为中国传统戏曲产生于元代而在宋代发展成一种真正的艺术形 式 10. present-day Cantonese opera centers on Bangzi and Erhuang tunes 当今的粤剧以梆子和二黄的曲调为主 11. With regard to Cantonese Opera, we know that there are major vocal tunes in it which includes: Pinghou, Dahou and Zihou. 说到粤剧,众所周知它的发声包括三类:平喉、大喉和子喉 12. Kunqu has a longer history than any other operatic form in China. 在中国,昆曲的产生比其它的剧种历史要更悠久。 SEC 2SEC 3SEC 4SEC 1

LOGO Section 4 After-class Activities SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 Work in groups of 3-4. Suppose you are going to make a presentation about a local opera. The following points should be covered in your presentation: The type of music and dialect the local opera is based on; The features of the make-up and customs of the local opera; The roles of the local opera; Well-known plays of the local opera.