THE ROLE OF CIVIL SOCIETY IN WELFARE MIX MODEL CREATION Best Practice Model Social Center "Home of colors"
Begining of social services in Tirana The Social Service Sector in Municipality of Tirana has been created on Lack of legal and institutional framework, strategies for vulnerable categories, unknown needs for social services Needs assessment for social services The first social projects aimed at creating models of community- based services through pilot models
Municipality of Tirana had successfully built coordinated services in the territory, throught the Project "Social Service Delivery", , with World Bank support. Enabled the establishment of four daily centers. The first institutional pilot models of delivery services in daily centers to help vulnerable social categories. Municipality of Tirana after the project took under administration full human and financial responsibility for these centers. This model was: well-coordinated in network with local structures and civil society collaborators; ensuring the sustainability of the social services provided in the territory; supporting the fulfillment of needs of the most vulnerable people with disabilities, children, families in need, the elderly, the young, women and girls. World Bank Projects community-based services pilot model
Social Services of the Municipality of Tirana expanded their scopes, leading to local strategy compilation for social services Strategy aimed to provide the right intervention and to coordinate the efforts of local government and NGO to achieve: Construction of a community-based social services system in accordance with needs; Incensement in local level of structures to do periodic assessment of the target groups needs as well as monitoring and evaluation of services provided; Strengthening of local capacities in service delivery; Coordination of activities between local government and NGO. Strategy for the Distribution of Social Services in Municipality of Tirana
The Project is making possible: A set of clear municipal policies and procedures to better profile service requirements and existing services; A consolidated information system that helps to map needs and services; Better matching and orientating public and private services towards assessed needs; A better coordination and referral system between different public and private social service providers, to ensure adequate coverage and response for those most in need; Clear service standards and procedures for public and contracted private service providers Better monitoring of progress and coverage. Within this project, Municipality is working in collaboration with civil society on a Draft Strategy for the Distribution of Social Services in Tirana, Adriatica Welfare Mix an overall coordination and harmonization mechanism
Social Centers under the administration of the Municipality of Tirana, the activity is financed 100% by MoT (4 social center) Social Centers under the administration of the Municipality of Tirana, funded by donor activity and service provided by a third party (organization with expertise in the provision of services), contracted by the donor in collaboration with MoT (2 social center). Social Centers which are owned by the Municipality of Tirana, the activity provided and funded by the third - NGO (2 centers) Social Centers of NGO. Social Services in Municipality of Tirana
Since 2009, ARSIS ( Social Organization for the Promotion of Youth), a well-known NGO in Tirana, implement the Project "Sustainable Multi-Purpose Centre in Tirana Municipality Unit no. 7 ", currently financially supported by the European Union. The creation of this Center was a necessity to : relieve the situation of street children (who work and beg); the statistics was getting up ; local and central institutional systems was not yet strong enough to take on the problem ; to monitor the situation and intervene to protect the street children. Why ARSIS? because it has: a successful experience ; possession of appropriate professional skills needed to manage these cases. Social Center "Home of colors" - ARSIS
The overall objective of this Center is to assist the reintegration of Roman/ Egyptian children in street and vulnerable situation by increasing their access to basic services, by providing skills development and sustainable social-economic opportunities. In more specific way the Project aims to: a) Ensure protection, development and partecipation of 400 Roma/Egyptian children in street and vulnerable situation by providing food, psycho-social and in-kind support, educational and health care services, civic registration; b) Improve the social-economic situation of 260 Roma/ Egyptian families by supporting income generating activities, providing coaching for employment, parental and life skills training and family planning services: c) Strengthen and enhance the capacities of public service providers, non- governmental organizations, professionals and stakeholders that work with children in vulnerable situation d) Throught an emergency shelter facility providing accommodation respective suportive services for children and mothers assessed to be at immediate risk. e) Advocate for the rights of Roma/Egyptian origin children. Social Center "Home of colors" - ARSIS
The core concept of this action is as follows: Social Center "Home of colors" - ARSIS Roma/Egyptian beneficiaries Public services providers, local and central authorities The Centre providing suistanable solution
Impact of this model To Beneficiaries has been increased access to wide range of public services that otherwise they would not acess. Capacity building for Municipality for social services employees on: - project management, - provision of multi-purpose services to Roma/Egyptian people, and - protection of children and Roman Egyptian rights The newly established system of referrals has been further strengthened through: - tight cooperation with relevant agencies. - development and implementation of formal agreements, - sharing of experience, sharing and division duties, responsibilities and increased efficiency of of available resources. Social Center "Home of colors" - ARSIS
Impact of this model The Centre has been used as a model to set up, elaborate and finalize the Emergency Response Protocol regarding emergency accommodation for children and mothers assessed to be at immediate risks for the first time in Albania (on going) To ensure suistainability under this methodologies of implementation that will be in place when the action comes to an end. The financial sustainability (best budget model) The institutional sustainability (expertise to manage and implement the action, technical skills, trainings, system of referrals, the necessary funding, to provide the range activities and service ) The Policy level sustainability (setting up partnership models between the civil society bodies, the provision of lacking services, amendments in the related legislation, policy papers setting up sustainable models). Social Center "Home of colors" - ARSIS
Center ARSIS NGO-s Employment Office CPU Police Department School Health Department State Social Services The System of Cooperation
Social center for street children the door... children... live... It 's not a royal palace... another door... an opportunity...
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