The meanings of dual diagnosis policy for services and sufferers Bridget Roberts
Qualitative study of policy and sectoral change since deinstitutionalisation Case study of State of Victoria ‘Dual diagnosis’ discourse and narratives Some context and preliminary reflections
Methods Discourse analysis, narrative analysis Research synthesis – Literature review – research, policy and beyond Case study – State of Victoria –Policy documents –Key informants – policy makers, bureaucrats, service providers with acknowledged expertise and with experience of the changes in the period (n = 11 to date)
Context Separate mental health and alcohol and drug treatment service systems Mainstreaming, decentralisation, purchaser/provider split, fragmentation Policy rhetoric – partnership, collaboration ‘Not welcome anywhere’ ‘No wrong door’
Fed/State/COAG health policy Human rights, social inclusion, holistic view of health Medicine Nursing Pharmacy Psychiatry OT PsychologyPublic healthSocial Work Experiential and lay knowledge History Sociology Political science Primary health Tertiary health WelfareDisability HousingJustice Mental health services Clinical > PDRS AOD services Many departments, disciplines and visions
A young person’s view of the workers....It feels divided. AOD and mental health workers are from completely separate worlds – that is how it feels. I think there is a bit of resentment – it’s like an unspoken war – the mental health workers think they are better than the AOD workers and the AOD workers feel a bit invalidated/sidelined by the psychiatrists (Participant) Russell, S. (2009). Looking Beyond Dual Diagnosis: Young people speak out. beyondblue research report. Melbourne: Research Matters.
‘Turf’... Contested space! Problem definition System inequalities -
Who are the winners and losers from dual diagnosis policy and the convergence of mental health services and alcohol and other drug services?
Who are the winners and losers in a ‘no wrong door’ policy, and in the convergence of MH and AOD services? Service users? –Choice of the right service at the right time? Professions? –Career paths –More territory for psychiatry ? - Neglect beneath the spin? -- Loss of AOD expertise? -- Avoidance of problem of health system inequalities?
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