BOARDS 1. Chalkboards these are the most common instruction media found in classrooms, rural and urban alike. Chalkboard is a very common fixture in classrooms that is why it is often neglected and it does not get the proper care it deserves.
2. Whiteboards and Magnetic Boards Whiteboards and magnetic boards are those with a glossy surface, commonly white in color, where non-permanent markings are made with the use of special felt pens.
3. Cloth boards (felt, Flannel, and Carpet) This is a piece of plywood or heavy cardboard with either felt, flannel or carpet allows visual materials with appropriate backing to adhere.
4. Hook and Loop Boards In creating a hook and loop board, a plywood or heavy cardboard is covered with a nylon loop material and the nylon hooks are adhere on the back of the instructional materials to display on the board.
5. Pegboards Pegboards are made of tempered masonite with 1/8-inch holes drilled 1 inch apart. These boards are used in displaying three-dimensional objects or heavy materials with the use of hooks inserted into the board.
6. Bulletin Boards Bulletin boards are generally not used directly in instructional but tend to be a supplement (kemp, J. & Smallie, D., 1994). They are used to introduce or follow up lessons presented.
GRAPHIC MATERIALS Graphic materials translate abstract ideas and relationships into a concrete form. Graphics allow students to pick up on things missed verbally, reduce efforts in receiving messages, and they help focus attention.
1. Drawing and sketches Drawing and sketches employ the use of lines, either simple or crude. They may not be the real thing but they may represent persons, places, things and concepts.
2. Cartoons Cartoons use symbolism and oftentimes bold exaggeration to present at a glance a message or point concerning news events, people or situations. Cartoons can be used as a springboard for a lesson, for a follow up activity, or for evaluation purposes.
3. Strip drawings it is a form cartooning in which a cast of characters enacts a story in a sequence of closely related drawings. Strip drawings can be used for motivation or starter for a lesson.
4. Posters Posters are combination of lines, images, colors, and words. They are intended to catch attention and communicate a message quickly.
5. Charts Charts are graphic presentations of abstract relationships such as chronologies, quantities, and hierarchies (Heininch, R., & Russell, D., 1993).
Types of Charts a. Organization Charts These show an organization’s structure or chain of command. It illustrates the interrelationships between the different parts of an organization.
b. Classification Charts They are similar to organization charts but its purpose is to show the classification or categorization of objects, events or species.
c. Time Line Time Line show in sequence different events or the relationship of people and events. They are very helpful in summarizing series of events.
4. Tabular Charts They contain numerical information or data in a table or columns.
These kinds of charts show a process, sequence, or procedure. e. Flowcharts or Process Charts These kinds of charts show a process, sequence, or procedure.
f. Tree or Stream Charts Show change, growth or development by beginning with a single course and then spreads out into many branches or by beginning with many branches which then come together into a single channel.
g. Gannt Chart A gannt chart is an activity time chart that illustrate the start dates of a certain activity or project.
6. Graphs Graphs show quantitative data. These kinds of graphics make analysis and interpretation of numerical information easier.
Kinds of Graphs a. Line Graphs They are used when plotting trends of relationships between series of data. It shows the progress over a period of time.
b. Bar Graphs are the simplest and easiest to read. The data are presented in horizontal or vertical bars. While the width of the bars are the same, its length represent the amount or percentage data.
c. Pie Graph or Circle Graph The sections of these kinds of graphs represent the parts of a whole. These graphs always present whole amounts and its parts are calculated in percentage or fractional parts.
d. Area or Solid Graphs They are used to compare several related totals thru the use of geometric shapes.
e. Pictorial Graphs or Pictographs These graphs utilize related pictures or drawings to show numerical data. It is an adaptation of the bar graph.
7. Diagrams Diagrams are intended to show relationships or to help explain a process, how something works or how something is constructed. According to Dale (1969), a diagram is an any line drawing that shows arrangement and relations as of parts of the whole, relative values, origins and development, chronological fluctuations, distributions, etc.
Types of Diagrams a. Cluster or Cloud Diagram This is used in a nonlinear activity wherein ideas, images, and feelings are generated around a stimulus word.
b. Chain of Events This Diagram illustrates the stages of an event, the actions of a character or the steps in a procedure.
c. Fishbone Mapping A fishbone mapping is used to show causal interaction of a complex event (like a nuclear explosion) or a complex phenomenon (like learning disabilities).
d. Cycle A cycle illustrates how series of events interact to produce a set of results such as the life cycle.
e. Compare/contrast A diagram that is used to show similarities and differences.
f. Venn Diagram is used to show relationships between sets, similarities and differences between characters, stories or poem. It enables the students to visually organize similarities and differences.
8. Maps (flat Maps) maps are representations of the earth’s surface or a part of it.
Types of Maps a. Political Maps They show territories.
b. Physical Maps They show data like altitude, temperature, rainfall, precipitation, vegetation, and soil.
c. Commercial or Economic Maps They show a variety of information like the economic produce of the different regions.
9. Flip charts Flip charts resembling a small whiteboard, this stationary item is supported by a four-legged easel or tripod and several sheets of paper are hinged at the upper edge of the chart.
10. Pictures and Photographs The generic term picture includes any kind of opaque representation of visual images which includes drawings, photographs, pictures in books and magazines, or any medium open to the artists’ interpretation.
11. Postcards These are commercially printed with space on one side for an address and postage stamp used for sending a short message through mail. Postcards on a country’s scenic spots, heroes, or presidents are widely available in bookstore.
12. Flashcards These materials are used for drill activities in teaching topics. Flashcards may contain words, phases, sentences, math combinations or pictures.