How to Write a Thesis Statement
Understand what a thesis statement in general needs to accomplish Your thesis needs to express a "considered point of view." – Note that a considered point of view is different from an opinion. Anyone can express an opinion. – Blanket opinions are conversation stoppers. A thesis statement is a conversation starter.
Define your point of view Once given your assignment, take notes or write in a less structured way (brainstorm) in order to sort out your thoughts on the issue at hand. You may want to create a table listing the pros and cons of two opposing positions before you make your final decision. This will provide you with clarification and perhaps a line of argumentation (or answer) for the body of your essay.
Write your thesis statement in the form of an organized and clear complex sentence Complex sentences, as opposed to simple sentences, allow you to communicate rich thoughts. They give you room to unpack and elaborate in the body of your essay.
Analyze; don't moralize Avoid using the words "should" or "must." Statements dictating what people should or should not do are off-putting. On the other hand, offering a fresh or interesting way to think about a controversial or complex issue is inviting, even if there are flaws in one's line of thought.
Avoid generalizations Instead of resorting to terms such as "everyone," "no one," "all," etc., try using "many" or "some." Making universal statements about all of humanity can set your thesis up for easy attack.
Example Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a strong leader that impacted people all over the world through his dedication to nonviolent protests and unity among all races and peoples.