MTR/CCA/ UNDAF WORKSHOP 22-23 June 2009, BAGHDAD Government of Iraq Overview of UN Contributions to Iraq’s National Priorities Review of UN Iraq Assistance.


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Presentation transcript:

MTR/CCA/ UNDAF WORKSHOP June 2009, BAGHDAD Government of Iraq Overview of UN Contributions to Iraq’s National Priorities Review of UN Iraq Assistance Strategy

MTR/CCA/ UNDAF WORKSHOP June 2009, BAGHDAD Presentation Outline Changing context in Iraq GoI perspective of UN sectoral contributions and achievements in GoI recommendations to the United Nations Country Team

MTR/CCA/ UNDAF WORKSHOP June 2009, BAGHDAD Iraq’s Development Vision NDS Mission ( ): “Transform Iraq into a peaceful, unified federal democracy and a prosperous, market oriented regional economic powerhouse that is fully integrated into the global economy” ICI Mission: “To build a secure, unified, federal and democratic nation, founded on the principles of freedom and equality, and providing peace and prosperity for its people”

MTR/CCA/ UNDAF WORKSHOP June 2009, BAGHDAD Development vision …Cont’d UNCT Mission ( ): “To strengthen Iraq to implement the NDS/ ICI and meet the needs of the most vulnerable by being a trusted proactive partner, accountable for high quality tangible results, and focusing on agreed outcome areas”.

MTR/CCA/ UNDAF WORKSHOP June 2009, BAGHDAD Iraq in Context Security and political environment in Iraq is changing rapidly for the better despite many prevailing challenges Status of Forces Agreement National Development Plan to replace the NDS with a vision that promises a comprehensive and holistic development taking Iraq to new economic frontiers International Compact with Iraq is being revised to reflect emerging challenges, needs and priorities

MTR/CCA/ UNDAF WORKSHOP June 2009, BAGHDAD Iraq in Context…Cont’d In line with Paris Declaration Principles, the Government of Iraq anticipates strategic engagement with the international community, World Bank and the UN to ensure –National ownership –Harmonization –Alignment –Accountability –Effective management of development results and priorities The UN Iraq Assistance Strategy is a joint UN- GoI effort to address Iraqi needs as stated in the NDS and the ICI

MTR/CCA/ UNDAF WORKSHOP June 2009, BAGHDAD National Priorities NDS/ ICI/ MDGs UN Iraq Assistance Strategy Education Agriculture & Food Security Water & Sanitation Protection Housing & Shelter Health & Nutrition Governance Economic Recovery & Diversification Human Rights Emergency preparedness Security Employment Gender Environment Crosscutting areas

MTR/CCA/ UNDAF WORKSHOP June 2009, BAGHDAD Overview of UN Contributions & Achievements ( ): The GoI Perspective Expansion in UNCT presence inside Iraq Effective UN and NGO coordination and governance mechanisms via its 8 sector outcome teams with a pronounced engagement of Iraqi counterparts (ISRB, line ministries) at strategic, technical and operational levels Greater national ownership of UN supported programmes and projects with greater alignment with ICI and NDS Shift towards capacity development, soft assistance and technical guidance to enable Iraqis lead their own development Active UN engagement in national planning processes including MDG-based planning, Poverty Reduction Strategy with World Bank and National Development Plan with USAID Significant achievements and contributions in all 8 sectors

MTR/CCA/ UNDAF WORKSHOP June 2009, BAGHDAD  Civic participation with a high turnout, election of 25% women to Provincial Councils and a remarkable level of citizen security before, during and after balloting  Progressive civil society engagement in national dialogue process for reconciliation and national unity  Improvements in rule of Law and Human Rights  Strengthened Institutional and Regulatory Frameworks Strengthened governance institutions and processes for political inclusion, accountability, rule of law and efficient service delivery

MTR/CCA/ UNDAF WORKSHOP June 2009, BAGHDAD  Development of National Education Strategy  Enhanced access to schools; Non-formal learning opportunities for out of school children and illiterate young people  Improved technical and educational capacities of MOE, MOEHE, communities and students  Increased access of students to quality education programmes  Humanitarian education interventions for IDPs and refugees Improved access to essential social services and assistance to vulnerable groups

MTR/CCA/ UNDAF WORKSHOP June 2009, BAGHDAD  Supported Primary Health Care Approach to further strengthen Iraqi Health Care System.  Scaling up of Child and Maternal Health  Community Mobilization and Women Health Volunteers for EPI and MCH initiatives respectively  Initiation of Health System Reform  Improved national capacities for Emergency Response and Preparedness.  Supported women employment by ensuring that at least 20% of job opportunities are devoted to women. Improved performance of the Iraqi health system and equal access to services, with special emphasis on vulnerable, marginalized and excluded persons

MTR/CCA/ UNDAF WORKSHOP June 2009, BAGHDAD  1.3 million people with improved access to safe water.  About 300,000 people with improved sanitation services.  Increased technical knowledge on various water and sanitation related topics with 32% of women participation.  Rehabilitating and supplying water and wastewater quality control laboratories.  Humanitarian assistance provided to 1.4 million vulnerable Iraqis across the country.  Employment creation as part of implementation of programmes Improved and equitable access to water and sanitation services

MTR/CCA/ UNDAF WORKSHOP June 2009, BAGHDAD Improved access to essential shelter and housing services to vulnerable groups  Strengthened Policy and Institutional Environment for achieving ‘Adequate Housing for All’  Improved access of Vulnerable Families to Shelter  Improved national capacities towards housing sector reforms  Improved access to the National Housing Fund especially for poor and vulnerable households  Governorate pilot initiatives to develop local strategies for housing and slum improvement.  Generation of local employment

MTR/CCA/ UNDAF WORKSHOP June 2009, BAGHDAD  Strengthened Agricultural Policy  Rehabilitation and enhancement of production systems (Irrigation infrastructure, small enterprises, date production, fishery sector)  Improved institutional capacity of line ministries (MoA, MoWR and MoI)  Employment opportunities for vulnerable groups Enabling environment created for sustaining agricultural development and food security

MTR/CCA/ UNDAF WORKSHOP June 2009, BAGHDAD  8 governorates monitoring the impact of food distribution through Food Security Units  GoI better able to undertake contingency and emergency response planning in response to food insecurity  Provision of emergency food rations to affected populations  Local and International NGOs provided food assistance to 85,267 individuals under the Emergency Response Fund. Improved food security and access to food to vulnerable population groups

MTR/CCA/ UNDAF WORKSHOP June 2009, BAGHDAD  Legislations, Policies and Codes developed/reviewed  Increased knowledge of human rights and international humanitarian law  Vulnerable groups provided with access to protection services (legal and social)  Consolidated systems for monitoring and reporting on protection issues established  Iraqi Mine Action operational capacity strengthened, awareness raised and land cleared of mines Strengthened protection system and services

MTR/CCA/ UNDAF WORKSHOP June 2009, BAGHDAD  Private Sector Development  Job creation and development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises  Strengthened Public Financial Management system  Support to Energy and Electricity Sector Sustainable, socially inclusive and gender-balanced economic reform and development in Iraq

MTR/CCA/ UNDAF WORKSHOP June 2009, BAGHDAD GoI Expectations from UNCT Iraq 1.Maintain the strategic partnership, engagement, and coordination mechanisms with Iraqi partners for sustained development impact 2.Continue support towards policy, regulatory and institutional reforms, decentralization and private sector development 3.Continue to focus on Capacity Development including systems strengthening and development based on thorough capacity assessment to address the gaps and to allow Iraq to guide capacity development process 4.Integrate sustainability dimension with a clear exit strategy in every UN supported development programmes

MTR/CCA/ UNDAF WORKSHOP June 2009, BAGHDAD GoI Expectations…cont’d 5.Need for coherent, harmonized and unified UN response in Iraq by furthering the existing coordination mechanisms and strategic and technical engagement with ISRB and line ministries in programme design and planning 6.Increased presence of the UNCT inside Iraq has enhanced collaboration and partnership – more visibility is expected 7.Need to factor in thorough risk assessment and risk mitigation strategies in planning, design and management of development programmes 8.Support for improved accountability and management of results in line with Paris Declaration

MTR/CCA/ UNDAF WORKSHOP June 2009, BAGHDAD GoI Expectations…cont’d 9.Support the NDP process to ensure strategic alignment between NDP and UNDAF in partnership with national counterparts 10.Quality of programme documents has improved, there is still room for improvement especially for evidence- based planning 11.Gender mainstreaming is much needed to overcome gender disparities in Iraq. UN should continue its emphasis on gender sensitive planning and reporting