Puzzled by Policy: Helping you to be part of the EU (CIP-ICT-PSP bis) Funded by Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme – ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) Puzzled by Policy? (an e-participation project) Gyula TAKÁCS Miklós Vékony National Infocommunications Services Company Ltd. (NISZ) Kunbábony, Hungary 13 th July 2012
Puzzled by Policy: Helping you to be part of the EU (CIP-ICT-PSP bis) Funded by Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme – ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) Main project data Funding:EU – Policy Support Program (PSP); 50% Call Identifier:CIP-ICT-PSP bis Time frame:36 months Project start:1st Oct Implementation:12 partners from 9 EU MS Pilot locations:- Athens (EL) - Canary Islands (ES) - Hungary (HU) - City of Turin (IT) - EU + Slovenia (led by pilot coordinator INePA)
Puzzled by Policy: Helping you to be part of the EU (CIP-ICT-PSP bis) Funded by Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme – ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) Project participants1Coordinator National University of Ireland, Galway – Digital Enterprise Research Institute NUIGIreland 2Participant Zavod In š titut za elektronsko participacijo INePASlovenia 3Participant Athens Technology Centre S.A. ATCGreece 4Participant Citt à di Torino CoTItaly 5Participant Greek Research and Technology Network S.A. GRNETGreece 6Participant 21c Consultancy Ltd. 21CUK 7Participant European University Institute EUIItaly 8Participant LUSA – Agência de Not í cias de Portugal SA LUSAPortugal 9Participant Cyntelix Corportation BV CCBNetherlands 10Participant Universidad La Laguna ULLSpain 11Participant Dimos Athinaion Epicheirisi Michanografisis S.A. DAEMGreece 12Participant National Infocommunications Service Company Ltd. NISZHungary
Puzzled by Policy: Helping you to be part of the EU (CIP-ICT-PSP bis) Funded by Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme – ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) Project participants
Puzzled by Policy: Helping you to be part of the EU (CIP-ICT-PSP bis) Funded by Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme – ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) Objectives “PbP aims to reduce the complexity of decision making within the EU and reconnect citizens with politics and policymaking by combining successful pre-existing eParticipation tools with new widget technologies to bring policymaking on the hot topic of immigration and migration ‘to the people’ in a manner that is both fun and engaging.” (Decription of Work)
Puzzled by Policy: Helping you to be part of the EU (CIP-ICT-PSP bis) Funded by Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme – ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) Target users mass of everyday citizens [target: 4 × 1500] hard-to-reach (or: least participating) [target: 4 × 100] – young – disabled – unemployed – immigrant (least participating despite being subjects of policy in focus)
Puzzled by Policy: Helping you to be part of the EU (CIP-ICT-PSP bis) Funded by Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme – ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) Methods ApproachTechniqueInstrument “Inform”Immigration policy analyzed, coded, quizzified; stakeholders mapped Policy Profiler Policy Profiler (PP) on the Platform PPWidget PP in the Widget, going viral in social media “Consult” forum Structured debate forum U-debate U-debate on the Platform “Empower ” feedbacks Series of feedbacks between the represented and the representing ones Consultation reports response letters Consultation reports, response letters, liaising with decision makers
Puzzled by Policy: Helping you to be part of the EU (CIP-ICT-PSP bis) Funded by Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme – ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) Piloting – Scope of activities Test & localize platform Communication efforts to involve – main stakeholders: to provide reference positions... – users (incl. the hard-to-reach) – decision makers – NGOs reach & involve their network consult for topics lead debates Facilitate debates (moderate; push forward)
Puzzled by Policy: Helping you to be part of the EU (CIP-ICT-PSP bis) Funded by Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme – ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) Piloting – Stats (first 3+ months) phone: 195 FB post: 131 meeting: 39 online article: 27 press release: 22 web banner: 12 widget: 11 workshop: 10 interview: 10 official letter: 10 local event: 10 LinkedIn post: 8 Flicker post: 7 blog: 7 focus group: 7
Puzzled by Policy: Helping you to be part of the EU (CIP-ICT-PSP bis) Funded by Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme – ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) Policy coding (EU immigr. policy) Generic dimensions Topical dimensionsNumber of immigrants Rights of immigrants Issues (1) Immigration for employment purposes Immigration policies oriented towards skilled workers should be encouraged as a means of fostering economic growth (2) Immigration for studying purposes (3) Immigration for family reunification (4) Integration, long-term residence and naturalization Immigrants from outside Europe should be required to accept our culture and values. 0- (5) Illegal immigration, readmission and return policies
Puzzled by Policy: Helping you to be part of the EU (CIP-ICT-PSP bis) Funded by Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme – ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) 30/08/ Platform (join.puzzledbypolicy.eu)
Puzzled by Policy: Helping you to be part of the EU (CIP-ICT-PSP bis) Funded by Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme – ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) in five languages
Puzzled by Policy: Helping you to be part of the EU (CIP-ICT-PSP bis) Funded by Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme – ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) Policy Profiler
Puzzled by Policy: Helping you to be part of the EU (CIP-ICT-PSP bis) Funded by Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme – ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) Policy Profiler – Statements level of agreement; perceived importance
Puzzled by Policy: Helping you to be part of the EU (CIP-ICT-PSP bis) Funded by Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme – ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) Policy Profiler – Positions (stakeh.)
Puzzled by Policy: Helping you to be part of the EU (CIP-ICT-PSP bis) Funded by Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme – ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) Policy Profiler – Positions (users)
Puzzled by Policy: Helping you to be part of the EU (CIP-ICT-PSP bis) Funded by Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme – ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) U-debate – Topics
Puzzled by Policy: Helping you to be part of the EU (CIP-ICT-PSP bis) Funded by Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme – ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) U-debate – Debates
Puzzled by Policy: Helping you to be part of the EU (CIP-ICT-PSP bis) Funded by Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme – ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) Login / Registration
Puzzled by Policy: Helping you to be part of the EU (CIP-ICT-PSP bis) Funded by Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme – ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) PP in the Widget
Puzzled by Policy: Helping you to be part of the EU (CIP-ICT-PSP bis) Funded by Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme – ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) Results (first 3+ months) – Stats PP – quiz completion:2012 hard-to-reach:382 U-debate – views: – contributors:257 – posts:524 (~one half by facilitators...)
Puzzled by Policy: Helping you to be part of the EU (CIP-ICT-PSP bis) Funded by Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme – ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) Challenges critical mass (hen and egg dilemma) – users wait for each other – d/m`s wait for users – users wait for d/m`s – NGO`s wait for users –...
Puzzled by Policy: Helping you to be part of the EU (CIP-ICT-PSP bis) Funded by Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme – ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) Challenges efficient AND user-friendly knowledge representation – store posts so that they are easy to grasp/learn logical structure, to get overview – no redundancy – interlinked easy to attach new content (find its best place) easy to summarize in reports in any language – Yet, the semantic solution should be easy to implement...
Puzzled by Policy: Helping you to be part of the EU (CIP-ICT-PSP bis) Funded by Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme – ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) Challenges Another way to put it: Finding the right kind of language between – legal language and – commonsense language