Investment Tactics Financial Planners – Bharti, Disha, Neetu, Isha, Sachin
Our Project Goal To conduct a case study of a client To study how the family is managing their savings To plan an investment portfolio of the family
Factors influencing Savings We have analysed what are the factors influencing savings using seeing reason tool.
Our Analysis We realised that some factors like improper planning, improper investment, expenditure, etc. are controllable factors, Whereas, number of dependants, salary, age, etc are uncontrollable factors. Hence, our main focus is on managing the controllable factors by considering the uncontrollable factors.
Our research question How do we plan our investment?
Our Case Study
About the Client Age: 35 years Profession: Plastic Surgeon Working with: Wadia Hospital, Baroda & Private practice No. of family members: 4 Wife - 32 years – practicing doctor Mother – 60 years Daughter – 10 years Dependants : 2 No. of earning members : 2
Financial Goals Daughter’s higher education after 10 years Daughter’s marriage after 15 years Their retirement after 20 years
Where are they today? Family annual income - Rs 6 lakhs (approx.) Annual routine Expenditure – Rs 3.5 lakhs (approx.)
Total investment-savings Savings account – Rs.1 lakh Contingency Fund – Rs Fixed Deposit – Rs. 1 lakh Equity based funds – stock market – Rs. 1.5 lakhs
Total Investment-savings
Analysis 42% of the total funds are lying in the bank (saving) or at home (contingency fund) after meeting household and other expenses. Considering the age and financial goals – investment in equity based investment is low. As a thumb rule, amount equivalent to 100 minus your age times salary amount should be invested in equity funds. Insurance Cover of the client- Rs. 10 lakhs and his wife - Rs. 5 lakhs should be reconsidered.
Proposed Investment Portfolio Cash at home should be equivalent to only one month’s household expenses. – Rs (Rs. 6 lakh/12 months) Overall cash, savings bank and fixed deposit should be the equivalent of three months’ household expenses. – Rs (Rs. 3.5 lakh/12 * 3) The family is dependent on the income of both husband and wife for meeting future goals. Therefore, both need more life insurance. Coverage of Rs 25 lakhs for the client and Rs 15 lakhs for his wife is recommended.
Proposed investment in current year –Rs as annual contingency fund –Rs in savings account –Rs in fixed deposit –Rs equity based funds – stock market (60% of total funds to be on the safer side) –Rs extra insurance premium
References ml.asp?Ref=VE9JQ0cvMjAwNi8wNS8zM SNBcjAzMTAx&Mode=HTML&Locale=eng lish-skin-custom ml.asp?Ref=VE9JQ0cvMjAwNi8wNS8zM SNBcjAzMTAx&Mode=HTML&Locale=eng lish-skin-custom ml.asp?Ref=RVRCRy8yMDA0LzEyLzE4I0 FyMDE3MDQ=&Mode=HTML&Locale=en glish-skin-custom ml.asp?Ref=RVRCRy8yMDA0LzEyLzE4I0 FyMDE3MDQ=&Mode=HTML&Locale=en glish-skin-custom
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