C OMPOSITIONS A composition is a longer piece of writing that consists of at least several paragraphs. Like a paragraph, a composition has an overall purpose, which may be to describe, to narrate, to explain, or to persuade. We will focus primarily on expository (informative) compositions.
T HE P ARTS OF A C OMPOSITION The Introduction Begins the composition and tells what the composition is about. The most important part is the thesis statement, which gives the overall composition a purpose. The Body Presents ideas that support and expand on the thesis statement. The Conclusion Winds up the composition. It might restate the main idea, state the significance of the topic, or call readers to take a course of action.
C REATING A T HESIS S TATEMENT Develop a Controlling Idea Decide on a purpose for your composition (sometimes this is assigned to you). Think about what angle of your topic you would like to explore. Jot down a sentence that summarizes what you want to say. This is your controlling idea. Focus your thesis statement. Begin with a draft, and decide if it is too broad or too narrow, which can make a composition more difficult to write.
E FFECTIVE I NTRODUCTIONS An introduction should present the thesis statement and capture your reader’s attention. Try the following: Start with an Anecdote (a brief story) Use a Quotation (a repetition of someone’s exact words) Make a Surprising Statement Ask a Question (but make it engaging!)
T HE B ODY : U NITY A composition has unity when ideas appear in separate paragraphs and all of those ideas support the thesis statement. Try the following to achieve unity: Write your thesis statement. List your main ideas, along with supporting details for each one. Check to see that each main idea supports the thesis statement. Check that each supporting detail supports the appropriate main idea.
T HE B ODY : U NITY Create topic sentences for each paragraph using the main ideas. Write paragraphs that support each topic sentence. To break up long paragraphs, try to: Look for changes in focus. Look for events or steps. Look for unnecessary information.
T HE B ODY : C OHERENCE A composition has coherence when its parts appear in logical order and flow smoothly from one to the next. To create a good flow, use the following transitional methods: Transitional words and phrases, such as “later,” “that night,” and “then.” Repeated phrases Transitional sentences
W RITING THE C ONCLUSION The conclusion of your composition leaves a final impression with the reader. Use one of the following types of conclusions: Restate the Main Idea This is like a miniature summary of your composition. Call for Action Suggest or urge someone to do something about an issue. State the Significance Emphasize the importance of your topic to the reader.
A T IP FOR W RITERS You don’t have to write a composition from beginning to end. Some writers find it easier to start with a conclusion, and go from there. Many writers will write the body paragraphs first, and then write an introduction and conclusion.