September1999 CMSC 203 / 0201 Fall 2002 Week #11 – 4/6/8 November 2002 Prof. Marie desJardins
September1999 October 1999 TOPICS (Probability theory cont.) Generalized combinations and permutations NOTE changes to syllabus: Shifting of material; some chapter sections dropped; graphs ( ) instead of Boolean algebra NOTE topics on midterm: : Proofs, induction, and program correctness : Counting 5.1, 5.3, : Recurrence relations; inclusion- exclusion NOT chapters 6, 7, 10 (these will be on the final along with ALL EARLIER TOPICS)
September1999 MON 11/4 (PROBABILITY THEORY CONT. (4.5)) …see week 9 notes
September1999 October 1999 Concepts / Vocabulary Permutations and combinations with repetition “sampling with replacement” Number of r-permutations of n objects with repetition = n r Number of r-combinations of n objects with repetition = C(n+r-1, r) [D’Alembert’s method / bars and stars] Table gives formulas Permutations with indistinguishable objecs Theorem 3: Number of n-permutations of n objects, where there are n i objects of type i (i=1, …, k) = n! / (n 1 ! n 2 ! … n k !)
September1999 October 1999 Examples Exercise : Suppose that a large family has 14 children, including two sets of identical triplets, three sets of identical twins, and two individual children. How many ways are there to seat these children in a row of chairs if the identical triplets or twins cannot be distinguished from one another? Exercise : How many different strings can be made form the letters in ABRACADABRA, using all the letters?
September1999 October 1999 Examples II Exercise : How many ways are there to travel in xyz space from the origin (0,0,0) to the point (4,3,5) by taking positive unit steps in any of the three directions? Exercise : A shelf holds 12 books in a row. How many ways are there to choose five books so that no two adjacent books are chosen?
September1999 FRI 11/8 INCLUSION-EXCLUSION ( )
September1999 October 1999 Concepts / Vocabulary Inclusion-exclusion revisited… |A B| = |A| + |B| - |A B| Inclusion-exclusion generalized… |A B C| = |A| + |B| + |C| - |A B| - |A C| - |B C| + |A B C| Principle of Inclusion-Exclusion |A 1 A 2 … A n | = 1 i n |A i | - 1 i<j n |A i A j | - … + (-1) n+1 |A 1 A 2 … A n | Proof by mathematical induction…
September1999 October 1999 Examples Exercise 5.5.9: How many students are enrolled in a course either in calculus, discrete math, data structures, or programming languages if there are 507, 292, 312, and 344 students in these courses, respectively; 14 in both calculus and data structures; 213 in both calculus and programming languages; 211 in both discrete math and data structures; 43 in both discrete math and programming languages; and no student may take calculus and discrete math, or data structures and programming languages, concurrently?
September1999 October 1999 Examples II Sieve of Eratosthenes Derangements: Example 5.6.4: If n people check their hats at a restaurant, and the claim checks are misplaced, what is the probability that nobody receives the correct hat?