Case study for Aalborg, DK: strategic energy planning by means of high resolution geospatial data Bernd Möller Sustainable Energy Planning Research Group Department of Development and Planning Aalborg University, Denmark
Aalborg in a glimpse inhabitants (6th of 98) 1144 km 2 (3rd of 98) 175 inhabitants/km 2 Former industrial town in transition Has largest Danish energy consumer Aalborg Portland cement factory (2.4% of TPES) >95% district heating Photo: Bernd Möller
Sustainable development in Aalborg Aalborg Charter in 1994 signed by 3000 local authorities in Europe defines the responsibilities of cities and authorities for a sustainable development. Aalborg Commitments of 2004 aims to strengthen authorities’ effort for sustainable development by means of concrete aims and actions.
Strategic energy planning Assessing long term consequences For long term decision making Aims at broad and holistic energy planning Energy systems based on 100% renewable energy supply need to: –Include significant end-use savings (-50% demand) –Use energy efficient supply (-50% primary energy) –Be much more flexible than the current systems.
Strategic energy planning –Coherent between local and national plans –Takes into account local/municipal conditions –Addresses changes to all energy subsystems: Electricity and heat Transport Energy production and supply Households, public services and businesses
Future energy systems
The heat atlas method Mapping end use in high detail: –Current heat demand by heat supply –Possible savings and their associated investments –Change to more efficient heat supply –Taking into account ownership, property value etc. Uses (we’re lucky to have) high resolution building registers, consumer and planning data, combined with extensive empirical data on the built environment and energy systems.
BBR data by address point
Heat atlases Net heat demand Connectable buildings Distance to existing nets Heat atlases contain the location and characteristics of heat demand and supply. Möller, B 2008, 'A heat atlas for demand and supply management in Denmark', Management of Environmental Quality, vol. 19, no. 4, pp
Extending district heating
The spatial economy of heat savings Aalborg municipality Central DH areas Rural areas Boiler DH D-CHP Cumulative heat saving potentials [GWh/yr] Marginal heat saving costs [kr / kWh/a] The potential for achieving heat savings is not the same everywhere, and it comes at different costs!
Energy and resilience
Conversion to 100% renewable energy
Related projects Energy vision for Aalborg, AAU DH, a strategic research centre for 4th generation district heating, Fleksenergi, a cooperation of 5 northern Jutland municipalities on future flexible energy systems Heat Road Map Europe 2011-? Common aim: coupling spatial and temportal energy systems analyses of renewable energy systems
Case study elements Local conditions, history, current state Recent policies and measures Objective: to prepare a strategic municipal energy planning platform Methods: energy atlas, systems modelling Embed the Aalborg University study Link public utility and planning data to long term strategic planning tools.