Whitewater Strategies, Inc. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS QUIZ 1 Most accidents can be anticipated. False -- An accident by definition is something that occurs when you don't expect it.
Whitewater Strategies, Inc. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS QUIZ 2 No matter how well prepared you are, Murphy's Law still applies. True
Whitewater Strategies, Inc. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS QUIZ 3 OSHA standards include four major requirements for emergency preparation. True -- They are: Emergency exits, written emergency plans, an alarm system, and employee communication and training.
Whitewater Strategies, Inc. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS QUIZ 4 There's no point in worrying about what could go wrong in your workplace. False -- Understanding what could happen can help you to correct unsafe situations and plan for dealing with an emergency.
Whitewater Strategies, Inc. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS QUIZ 5 The employee's response to an emergency should be automatic. True -- Clear communication and thorough training can achieve this kind of response.
Whitewater Strategies, Inc. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS QUIZ 6 Identifying all the potential hazards in your work area is the first step in emergency preparedness. True
Whitewater Strategies, Inc. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS QUIZ 7 Where you go in an emergency is not important. Getting out quickly is the issue. False -- Getting out quickly is important, but so is reporting to your designated meeting spot. It‘s critical to get an accurate head count and know who, if anyone, is missing.
Whitewater Strategies, Inc. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS QUIZ 8 Every employee should know where to find fire extinguishers and first-aid equipment. True
Whitewater Strategies, Inc. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS QUIZ 9 It's not important to recognize specific alarms in the workplace-you can just respond the same toward all. False -- Employees should recognize each specific alarm in their workplace-burglar, fire, radiation, emergency etc. and know how to respond to each.
Whitewater Strategies, Inc. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS QUIZ 10 Employees who have assigned responsibilities in an emergency require special training. True