Is a Financial Institution controlled by the Italian Ministry for Economic Development, participated by leading Italian Banks and Confindustria – the General Confederation of Italian Industry SIMEST provides financial instruments and services to support Italian companies on foreign markets SIMEST
SIMEST supports Italian Companies in all phases of development abroad Company activities SIMEST instruments Search of business opportunities Technical Assistance and training programmes Development programmes Investing in foreign companies Export of capital goods Business scouting and match making activities Subsidised financing of technical assistance programmes Beneficial-rate loans for programmes for the inclusion on foreign markets Interest rate subsidy and stabilization for export credits In non EU countries: SIMEST (and Venture Capital) equity participation in the foreign company Interest rate reduction on the financing of the Italian Company equity share In EU countries: SIMEST participation in the capital stock of Italian companies and for their subsidiaries in EU Improving and safeguarding SMEs equity solidity Financing of the capitalization of exporting SMEs Feasibility studies or technical assistance programmes in non EU countries tied to Italian investment abroad Financing with subsidiazed interest rate
To promote investments of Italian companies in foreign enterprises. SIMEST participation up to max 49% of the foreign company equity, for a duration of 8 years max. The acquisition of equity shares by SIMEST can be related either to new or already existing companies. Objectives Terms SIMEST Equity participation in extra EU companies
Financing support covers 90% of the applicant Italian company’s equity share, up to 51% of the investee company’s total capital. Therefore, if the equity capital exceeds 51%, the financial support is equal to 90% of 51% of the foreign company’s capital Support available for financing Italian share Equity shareholding in extra EU companies
Venture Capital Fund SIMEST + VCF Maximum share of 49% of the total equity of the local company. SIMEST + FVC share, in any case, will not be higher than the total share held by the other Italian partners. max. 8 years, in any case within the terms established for SIMEST participation No guarantee is required for the buy-back of the VCF share. For the VCF share a remuneration is due equal to the European Bank rate + 0,50 spread. Terms Duration Guarantee Remuneration
SIMEST and the Venture Capital Fund foreign company Italian SIMEST + Venture Capital Fund Up to 49% Private Partners Local Interest rate support for financing Italian share
Support for programmes to break into foreign markets Financing of programmes for the inclusion on foreign markets, aimed at the launch and spread of new products and services, or at the acquisition of new markets for existing products and services The programme must be implemented in countries not belonging to the European Union Structural costs (setting up and running of permanent structures, etc.) Promotional costs (shows and trade fairs, advertising, training, consulting, etc.) Miscellaneous intervention costs (25% of the total of all previous costs) Purpose Eligible countries Eligible expenses
Support for programmes to break into foreign markets The programme must be developed in the period running as from the date on which the application is presented. It must be completed 2 years after the loan agreement is drawn up. The loan will be repaid over the next 5 years. These periods may be reduced upon request by the business Fixed for the duration of the financing and equal to 15% of the reference rate. In any case, this rate must be no less than 0.50% annually Duration of financing Interest rate
Financing for the capitalisation of exporting SMEs Financing aiming to stimulate, improve and safeguard the solidity of the equity of SMEs that have recorded average export sales for the last three years accounting for at least 20% of the total, and which, at the time of supply, are constituted in the form of an SpA The loan may not exceed € 500, and 25% of the capital stock of the applicant business. The loan will be supplied in accordance with the application of the Community ‘de minimis’ Regulation Purpose Support available
Financing for the capitalisation of exporting SMEs The first stage – supply and pre-amortisation stage – starts as from the date of supply and ends at the end of the 2nd year subsequent to that date. The second stage – repayment stage – starts at the end of the supply and pre-amortisation stage and ends 5 years later Stage of financing
Support for export credits To allow Italian exporting firms to offer foreign buyers/contractors medium and long-term deferred payment on terms that are in line with those granted by competitors in other OECD countries (Supplier credits, Buyer credits)
Support for export credits Machinery and plant installations, studies, services in all countries Italian businesses Up to a maximum of 85% of the value of the export contract (at least 15% in cash). The amount of financing eligible for support is up to 100% of the value of the goods and services of Italian origin Eligible exports Support available
1. Exploratory phase and project definition Subsidised financing of the feasibility study Advisory and financial assistance Technical, legal and corporate assistance Planning and implementation of the investment project Economic and financial analysis SIMEST FROM IDEA TO BUSINESS How we can support joint venture projects abroad
2. Financial structuring of the project Financial assistance services Assistance for project funding SIMEST FROM IDEA TO BUSINESS How we can support joint venture projects abroad
(*) max participation SIMEST+VCF = 49% SIMEST Participation VCF Participation Contribution for interest reduction on share financing Local partner SIMEST share VCF share* Italian share (private partners) 3. Risk Capital SIMEST FROM IDEA TO BUSINESS How we can support joint venture projects abroad
4. Training programme for local staff Subsidised financing of training costs SIMEST FROM IDEA TO BUSINESS How we can support joint venture projects abroad