Understanding personality in psychology
Introduction Definition Importance of personality Personality origins Personality assessment Drawbacks of personality assessment conclusion
Psychology is a study about humans, to find out what influences them to behave the way they do One of the most important factors to this is their personality How does one find out another’s personality?
personality is the characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviours that make a person unique. Personality rises from within an individual and remains fairly consistent throughout life
As previously stated personality is the prime contributing factor to why a person acts and thinks the way that they do. Personality helps to choose one’s career in life by knowing whether they are suited to it or not
type theory the early perspectives on personality. this theory suggests that there are a limited number of personality types which are related to biological influences. Psychodynamic theory emphasises the influence of the unconscious. these are things that one does unknowingly. There are many different theories about how personality develops. Here are some of the ideas:
Behavioural theories suggests that personality is a result of interaction between the individual and the environment. things that are around an individual play a large part in determining their personality
There are essentially 3 methods to assessing an individual’s personality: The clinical interview Objective personality assessment Projective personality assessment
Way of assessing a patient’s personality Aims to measure an individual’s behaviour Two people sit down and exchange words, for the interviewer to try and understand the patient’s problem in order to diagnose it Consists of structured, semi-structured and unstructured interviews.
Professional type of assessment with controlled, consistent questions measured by scores. Tests measure a person’s normal performance Cut-score point on the scale
Aimed to reveal hidden personality traits. Reveals person’s inner feelings and conflicts from previous life experiences Rorschach test interprets patient’s responses to discover personality characteristics
Tests may be dehumanizing. Tests may invade privacy. Tests may be biased. Tests may be culturally unsuitable.
Psychology has come a great way in figuring out how and why humans act the way they do but as seen above some methods have to be re-addressed to cover one more step to the ultimate goal of personality assessment perfection
About.com. (2011). Behavioural psychology. Available from: psychology.about.com/od/behavioralpsychol ogy/Behavioral_Psychology.htm (accessed 21 September 2011) Schneiderman, R. (2010). Career Planning. Why Is Personality Important? Available from: sonality_intro.htm (accessed 22 September 2011) sonality_intro.htm