Sustainability Covenant- GHG Initiative- April 18, 2000 Between The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection And (list of participating com panies) The undersigned parties as witnesses to the initiation of the New Jersey Sustainability Greenhouse Gas Action Plan on April 17, 2000 hereby pledge our full support to the goals of the Plan and covenant that all reasonable efforts will be undertaken, in this non-binding agreement, to implement voluntary programs and initiatives to accomplish the core goal of the plan; a 3.5% reduction in New Jersey greenhouse gas emissions below 1990 baseline levels by the year It is on the ___ day of April, 2000 that the undersigned as duly signatories execute this covenant for the intentions set forth herein. Signed by:Facilatated by: NJDEPPSE&G JCPL/GPU and Cosmair, Inc. Clark ManufacturingWitnessed by: DuPont Johnson & Johnson EDF Lucent TechnologiesNRDC Philips Lighting CompanyNature Conservancy Schering – PloughCenter for Clean Air Policy Lakehurst Naval Air Station
Commercial Sector k-12 public Schools NJSBA Manual for Positions and Policies on Education NJSBA Policy FC 5141 Health – To provide a safe and healthy environment for students All reasonable efforts to implement voluntary programs and initiatives to accomplish the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions should be supported
Commercial Sector Utilities EE and RE Programs 3 –year $358 million energy efficiency and renewable buy-down program 75% for Energy Efficiency and 25% for Renewable Energy 1,8240,000 Metric tons of CO2 5,325 metric tons of NOx 8,510 metric tons of SO metric tons of mercury
We design our buildings, than our buildings define us” Winston Churchill US Green Building Council Leadership in Environmental and Energy Design (LEED )
EO 215 Signed 9/89 by Gov. Kean Whereas: Government must not only regulate but must lead by example The design and location of a project initiated or funded (> 20% financial assistance) by the State may have an impact on the environment Protection of the environment and management of development is prudent and proper to avoid potential adverse environmental impacts
Focus Areas for Global Climate Change & Energy Reduce GHG emissions, NOx, SO2, Hg and other enviromental impacts