1970’s What is going On?
Slang Biggie Boss Dig Fall guy Gig Jet set Old fogey Narc Make waves Scuttlebutt Turkey Whole nine yards
Fads Afro’s Bib overalls Denim jackets Jump suits Leisure suits Flip-flops Bell bottoms Go-Go Boots Mood rings Average income 1970 $7, 564 –Teacher $5, 400 –1979 $15,757 Teacher $12,500 What cost $6500 in 1970 would cost $ in Also, if you were to buy exactly the same products in 1980 and 1970, they would cost you $6500 and $ respectively.
1970’s 1970’s Timeline Kent State
1970’s TV--Ads VW BUG Mercury Cougar Farrah Fawcett Hanes McD Atari SuperBalls TV.10PM
TV All in the Family Good Times Three’s Company Scooby-doo Soap Saford and Son Brady Bunch WKRP Wonder women Six Million
Movies StarWars Jaws Grease de_240.mov de_240.mov Halloween Rocky
Music Queen emian_Rhapsody/index.jhtml emian_Rhapsody/index.jhtml Kiss _Cobo_Hall_1976/index.jhtml _Cobo_Hall_1976/index.jhtml Led Zeppelin e/index.jhtml e/index.jhtml Disco Birth of Rap jhtml jhtml
1978 Love Canal ten.lg.movhttp:// ten.lg.mov
1980 Iran Hostages CNN starts John Lennon Shot