The aim of the education modernization
Conception of the Volgograd State Medical University development in 2008–2012 The synthesis of education, science and innovation is in the basis, which allows to develop and implement new educational technologies of the international level and to form professional competence of the graduates of the University to ensure their competitiveness in the international market of medical services. The stages of implementation: Stage 2 – innovative Stage 3 - final To modernize the education system in the University
Transformation and renewal of education are aimed at : Bologna process Formation of new models and forms of the educational process organization - module model - non-concentrated model - nonlinearly model Development of international educational programs Student-centered orientation Strengthening of the ethical and moral aspects Increase of the level and the role of scientific research Development of a new educational medium Adoption of the strategy of “life-long learning”
Convention on the rights of faculty members of higher educational establishments : University teacher is a unique profession Personality of a doctor is a crucial factor for the success in clinical medicine Implementation of multi-level education of faculty members for higher educational establishments
Department of mathematics and computer science Department of social work with the course of pedagogics and education methodology «Psychological and pedagogical basics of higher professional education» (course for faculty members working for less than 5 years) «Psychological, pedagogical and methodological basics of the educational process» (course for faculty members working for more than 5 years) «Psychological, pedagogical and methodological basics of educational process management»( course for professors and heads of departments) «Multimedia technologies in education process» REFRESHER TRAINING FOR THE TEACHING STAFF OF THE VOLGOGRAD STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY
Development of psychological and pedagogical readiness for effective teaching activity under conditions of modernization Refresher training course for faculty members of higher medical education establishment is a particular type of education activity Personality development Outlook enlargement Stimulation of self-education Fulfillment of acmeological aspirations Improvement of professional competence
Andragogical model Block-module system Lectures – practical classes – implementation of the obtained experience into practical work with students Classes in the form of panel discussions -for professors and the heads of departments Refresher training for the faculty members is based on:
The first aspect of modernization deals with the content of the education program of faculty members training with a focus on the qualification frames as a means of reforming European Union Russian Federation Боязнь наказания ии ожидание вознаграждения Portfolio of psychological and pedagogical competences of the faculty members (OmSMA, ISMACE): a chart of competences, components and content structure of a competence, descriptors of the competence mastery levels Providing information on the implementation of competence approach into the system of continual training of faculty members abroad
Curriculum of refresher training for the faculty members should provide a variable part alongside with the programs, based on the Federal State Education Standard of Higher professional education. the content of the variable part reflects the educational needs of the faculty members (according to the results of the faculty members interview – preliminary or taken in the first day of the refresher training course)
New quality of the educational content requires a contemporary organization of education process - Training of the faculty members was organized with the use of active and interactive methods and techniques. - In practical classes on pedagogical mastery members of teaching staff have an opportunity for self-reflection: each one was given psychological and pedagogical tests and the answers to them. After that a group discussion and self-estimating was organized.
New methods for the evaluation of the quality of teaching process The methods of practical evaluation of the academic performance quality, presented by professors and doctors of Medical school of Strasbourg university, and the methods of the quality evaluation in problem-oriented teaching progress, used in Ruhr University Bochum and by other European researchers were studied during the refresher training course and provoked a concerned discussion of differences and similarities with the currently used methods and the possibility of their implementation in our university.
Distance learning process experience Comparison of the European and domestic systems of distance leaning for students and doctors, demonstrated during the seminars in Strasbourg and the meeting of the coordinating Council in Volgograd Questioning of the members of the university teaching staff revealed a need for permanently performing system of feedback both during the refresher training course and individual improvement of professional and personal competence A web resource “school of pedagogical mastership” and mail server for interaction with teaching staff are provided by the Volgograd State medical university
The tasks of the counseling center to propagate contemporary trends of pedagogical science in medical education, to help implementing them into education process, to perform scientific research activity aimed at generalizing and implementing the advanced practice of teaching in specialized departments of the medical university, to help each doctor-instructor in the process of professional and subjective position development to create conditions for the fulfillment of acmeological intentions of the members of teaching staff, to teach the members of teaching staff to transform professional cases into the cases of professional and personal development, to monitor professional and personal development also by mastering the methods of evaluation of the professional activity quality
Docendo discimus ! Seneca Lucius Annaeus Teaching others, we learn
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