Welcome to the School of Criminology & Criminal Justice! New Student Advising Summer 2011 Brooke Clements Academic Advisor
Icebreaker 2 Truths and a Lie ◦ Write down three short statements. ◦ Two are TRUE ◦ One is a LIE
Two Truths and a Lie Game Time! ◦ Name ◦ Where you’re from ◦ Read your 3 items ◦ We guess which one is a LIE.
2 Truths and a Lie - Brooke 1. I run a ½ marathon every year. 2. I have 2 cats: Zipper and Yoda. 3. I played the trombone in high school.
Note Card Name Phone Number Where you’re from High School One interesting fact about yourself
Who am I? From Fremont, Nebraska Graduated from UNL in 2006 Master’s in Academic Advising: K-State August 2010 Married for 4+ years Hobbies: ◦ Sports, sports and more sports (watching and playing) ◦ Running ◦ Reading ◦ Traveling ◦ SHOES
Why am I an Advisor? I am a 1 st Generation Student My advisor inspired me to go into advising It’s different everyday Seeing the “Light bulb” come on I love smiles The best part of my job: ◦ Seeing students learn to believe in themselves and know they can reach their goals.
Academic Advising Tips
What is Advising? Advising Syllabus ◦ Advisor Expectations ◦ Student Expectations ◦ Office Hours ◦ Advising Appointments
Advising Tips Setting up an Advising Appointment ◦ Call (402) or stop by CPACS 218 ◦ Know your schedule
Advising Tips Make appointments EARLY ◦ My peak months are: March – May(Fall/Summer Registration) October – November (Spring Registration) Call at least a week in advance during peak times ◦ Make your appointment right when the class schedule comes out. It comes out a few weeks before registration opens.
How to Prepare for your Advising Appointment Come with Questions Have an idea of what classes you want to take. ◦ If you have a schedule picked out…great! Know your schedule ◦ Studying, work, activities, practice schedules, etc. Come on time ◦ If you’re late, you may need to reschedule If you have to cancel, call us as early as possible. ◦ We understand…things happen!
Contact Me ◦ This is the fastest and most efficient way! Phone ◦ (402) Facebook ◦ Search “UNO School of Criminology and Criminal Justice” ◦ Facebook Page Facebook Page ◦ Be the first to know important information on advising, scholarships, class registration, graduation, etc.
UNO Campus Services Career Center Counseling Center Disability Services Financial Aid Computer Services/Help Desk Tutoring: ◦ Writing Center ◦ Math/Science Learning Center ◦ Speech Center ◦ UNO Library They are here to help you. Use them!
Get Involved! Alpha Phi Sigma ◦ Criminology & Criminal Justice Honor Society Student Organizations and Leadership ◦ There are too many to name! Greek Life Multicultural Activities and Events Student Housing Intramurals ◦ HPER Building UNO Sporting Events - GO MAVS!
How to have a Successful Year Check your UNO There IS a learning curve! STUDY Get help before it’s too late. Get involved! Use the services on campus. Meet with your advisor regularly. Lastly….don’t be afraid to ASK QUESTIONS!
Program Overview
Pre-Criminology and Criminal Justice ◦ ENGL 1150 (Comp I) ◦ ENGL 1160 (Comp II) ◦ MATH 1320 (College Algebra) ◦ CRCJ 1010 (Survey of CJ) ◦ CRCJ 2510 (Research Methods) ◦ Choose TWO of: CRCJ 2030 (Police & Society) CRCJ 2110 (Criminal Court System) CRCJ 2210 (Survey of Corrections) 4 Year Plan Applying for Upper Division
Concentration Concentration vs. a Minor ◦ A minor is in the catalog and the department has gone through the process to get it approved. ◦ Concentration is not in the catalog and doesn’t go on your transcript. Which one should I do? ◦ Not all areas on campus have a minor. ◦ If you pick an area with a minor, you complete the minor for the concentration requirement.
Concentration How do I know what Concentration or Minor to choose? ◦ Choose something that is interesting to you. You will be taking at least 18 credits! ◦ Pick something that is relevant to your career and/or life goals. When do I have to choose? ◦ Soon enough to get it finished by graduation; by the end of Sophomore year at the latest.
UNO General Education Fundamental Academic Skills ◦ ENGL 1150 and 1160 (Comp I & II) ◦ MATH 1310 (Intermediate Algebra) ◦ SPCH 1110 (Public Speaking Distribution Requirements ◦ Social Science (9 Hours) ◦ Humanities/Fine Arts (9 Hours) ◦ Natural/Physical Science (8 Hours) 1 lab required
Crim/CJ General Education 3 rd English Comp Course MATH 1320 (College Algebra) Statistics Social Science (3 Hours) Natural/Physical Science (1 Hour) Electives (12 Hours)
Internships GREAT experience Get college credit! YOU pick your internship site hours per week Omaha has lots of criminal justice agencies, so no traveling is needed Looks great on a resume
London Study Abroad Tour Study tour that visits: ◦ Police agencies ◦ Prisons ◦ Courts Provides opportunities to travel and see the sights of Europe Receive college credit!
Probation/Suspension Probation ◦ A student who has below a 2.0 GPA will be put on probation. ◦ A student will stay on probation until their GPA is above a 2.0. ◦ If you are on probation, an advising hold will be put on your account.
Probation/Suspension Suspension ◦ Suspensions are issued after the Spring semester every year. ◦ Less than 2.0 Semester GPA and less than 2.0 Overall GPA (all semesters combined). If a student has less than 46 hours: 2.0 Semester GPA and 1.75 Overall GPA. No suspension if a student has less than 12 hours. ◦ Suspensions are for a period of one year. ◦ P : Undergraduate Catalog
Goal Setting Activity
Please answer truthfully. There are no wrong answers. We will discuss your goals as you progress through the program.
Enrollment (Finally!)
Before Enrolling… “Full time” is 12 credit hours ◦ Students may take more…ask Brooke for help. Don’t know what the class will be like? Look at course descriptions on the class schedule or in your Catalog Requirements for Scholarships?
Before Enrolling… EVERYONE needs to take CRCJ 1010 Use: ◦ Summary Sheet ◦ Academic Advising Sheet ◦ General Education Course List or Website ◦ 4 year plan What are your placement test scores? ◦ Use your “Summary Sheet” ◦ If you want to register for English… You must have a placement exam score. ◦ If you want to enroll in Math… You can use your Math ACT score or the Math Placement Exam
Enrollment Log into Mavlink (use ID# and Password) ◦ How to Enroll Video How to Enroll Video Add Classes to your Shopping Cart Call Brooke or Abby over for approval Enroll! Print your schedule (2 copies)